Due to a technical changeover, there may be problems with accessing the databases, which the Library is working on. Please support our work by sending your comments to bedekovits.tamas@fszek.hu. We apologise for any inconvenience!

On this page the alphabetical list of online databases can be found. Position your mouse’s cursor over the icons on the taskbar and click on the button - for detailed information on features of the particular database.

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
Full-text database with scientific requirement covering some fields of science.
Academic Search Complete is the most valuable and comprehensive, scholarly, multidisciplinary full text database in the world. It contains more than 8500 full text periodicals including 7000 revised ones.
Besides full texts, it covers the indices and abstracts (summaries) of more than 13000 publications, including monographies, reports and conference lectures.
It is available for all those who have a membership card authorizing to borrow.

Academic Digital Archive (Szaktárs)
Full-text scientific books
The collection covers the scientific books mainly from the period of 1950-1996 created in the workshop of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and published by Akadémiai Kiadó (some books are from the period after 1996).  The continuously enlarging  MeRSZ database (https://mersz.hu)  contains the valid titles of Akadémiai Kiadó.  The main aim of the archive covering 2.5 million pages of 8000 volumes related to the period of half a century is to make the books searchable widely.

It is available for all those who have membership card, in all libraries; remote use is also possible.
Academic Journals (AK Journals)
Full-text database providing both the earlier and current issues of the journals by Akadémiai Kiadó (AK).
The great package of 80 international and Hungarian journals by Akadémiai Kiadó (the journals are managed mainly by Hungarian chief editors)  publishes the new discoveries in several areas of science, including natural and social sciences as well as medicine, to effectively support information exchange amongst scientists on a global level, and to make scientific results a public property. 
Publications by Akadémiai Kiadó provide opportunities for scholars to publish the latest (current) results, from nuclear chemistry through  microbiology to linguistics, among others.
All publications are peer reviewed , most of them have impact factor and some of them are among the most significant scientific publications  on a world scale.
The database is available for all those who have membership card (authorizing to borrow).

The Online Dictionary Service of Akadémiai Kiadó (Szotar.net)
The database of the dictionaries of Akadémiai Kiadó, searchable by entries.
  • English - Hungarian comprehensive dictionary  
  • Hungarian - English comprehensive dictionary 
  • English - Hungarian universal comprehensive dictionary  
  • Hungarian - English universal comprehensive dictionary 
  • Hungarian - English explanatory dictionary of environmental protection 
  • English - Hungarian financial dictionary  
  • English - Hungarian technical dictionary 
  • German - Hungarian comprehensive dictionary 
  • Hungarian - German comprehensive dictionary  
  • German - Hungarian technical dictionary 
  • French - Hungarian comprehensive dictionary 
  • Hungarian - French comprehensive dictionary 
  • Spanish - Hungarian comprehensive dictionary 
  • Hungarian - Spanish comprehensive dictionary 
  • Russian - Hungarian comprehensive dictionary 
  • Hungarian - Russian comprehensive dictionary 
  • Hungarian - Dutch  dictionary 
  • Hungarian - Slovenian comprehensive dictionary 
  • Hungaria - Serbian dictionary
  • Hungarian - Latin dictionary 
  • Latin - Hungarian dictionary 
  • Swedish - Hungarian dictionary 
  • Chinese - Hungarian dictionary 
  • Hungarian spelling rules  12. edition 
  • Hungarian synonymicon  
  • Dictionary of Hungarian proverbs 
  • Akadémiai Dictionary of spelling 
  • Dictionary of foreign words and phrases 
  • Encyclopedia of environmental protection  
  • Encyclopedia of psychology      
  • You can search simultaneously in more dictionaries on the search interface. 
  • The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow. 
Arcanum Reference Library
Full-text database including specialized literature and belletristic books in the fields of literature, history and religion.
Arcanum Reference Library contains the most valuable CD and DVD publications  of Arcanum Kiadó online. 
Full text search and tools for taking notes are provided. The database covers poem repository, the Bible, encyclopedias, writers' oeuvres, historical  monographies and basic works of family history. 
Arcanum Digital Science Repository (Arcanum Digitheca)
Full-text database in Hungarian containing dailies, periodicals and reference books.

The database providing Hungarian contents includes hundreds of domestic specialized journals, academic bulletins, encyclopaedias, weekly and daily newspapers, yearbooks and reference books, among others.  The database is one of the biggest online collection of Hungarikums of 19th-20th centuries; an important source of Hungarian cultural, social and economic history. The content of the collection covers mainly publications of the 20th century, however, several texts of the 19th century and a few ones of the 21st century are also available.  Digital contents are stored and shown in PDF format, so users can see the authentic page image (view) of the original document.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

Argumentum Publisher (Szaktárs)
Full-text history, literary history, art and social science books.
Over the past 30 years, the publisher has published around 900 books in the fields of literary history, critical editions, historiography, educational theory, linguistics, language history, sociology, musicology, book history, art theory, theater history, psychology, ethnography, archeology and architecture.
Database of Attraktor Publisher
Full-text books from the fields of history, philosophy and social science and by classic authors.
The database contains publications of philosophysocial history and the science of history as well as works by classical authors of the Middle Ages and early Modern Age
Nearly 150 volumes of Attraktor Kiadó (Attraktor Publisher) are  available by the service.  
The content of the database is available with valid membership card. 
Database of Balassi Publisher (Szaktárs)
Full-text books from the fields of history, literary history, cultural history, linguistics, arts and social sciences.
Database of Balassi Publisher covers books from the fields of history, literary history, cultural history, linguistics, art history, art theory and arts,  sociology and  social sciences, ethnography, archeology, architecture, book history, theater history (and theory), music science among others.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card (authorizing to borrow).
Bibliographia Hungarica (Tibor Demeter)
Bibliography of Hungarian belletristic works.
The database covers the bibliographical data of the translations of Hungarian belletristic works, novels, short stories, poems translated into any languages, published after 1800,  based on mainly the holdings of National Széchényi Library. The basic collection covering  the period 1800-1945 by Tibor Demeter contains 36 000 - 38 000 data.
Budapest Time Machine
Search interface of Budapest related digital documents navigating in space and time via interactive maps.
Search interface of data related to streets and houses of Budapest and of Budapest related digital documents, navigating in space and time via  interactive maps.
Selected bibliography of the history of Budapest from 1950 to the present day
Bibliography of Budapest related books and articles.
The database contains the selected bibliography of Budapest related books and articles, published after 1950, including mainly the literature of town history and local  knowledge (local history) of the Hungarian capital, supplemented with data of foreign publications of other bibliographies and the own collection.
Budapest Picture Archive
Database of Budapest related pictures.

The database is the picture archive of Budapest related original photos and drawings and other pictures published in different publications.
More than 16 000 pictures about former faces of the capital and its inhabitants’ lives. The database is enlarged, modified and updated periodically. Suggestions and corrections of mistakes are welcomed by the editors through “Readers’ comments” window available at all picture  descriptions.

Budapest Picture Archive on Hungaricana Cultural Heritage Portal
Database of Budapest related pictures in Hungaricana.
The version of the database of Budapest Picture Archive in Hungaricana is the same in contents, however, visualization is different; pictures  can be zoomed in even better, for example.
Entertaining and informational E-book loan via the CloudLibrary platform.
E-book loan via the CloudLibrary platform for every registered user above the age of 10, who has a valid library card with borrowing privileges. The books are only available in Hungarian.
Number of e-books readers can borrow is 1 title at the same time, the loan period is 2 weeks. After the expiration of the due date, the e-book will cease to be accessed for the reader. The due date on an e-book can be extended up until that e-book is reserved by another reader. Reservation for e-books is free of charge. Number of e-books you can reserve is 1 title.
Availability of the reserved e-book can be checked on the CloudLibrary platform. If you have provided your e-mail address, you will receive a message about the fulfilled reservation. You will have 48 hours to borrow the reserved e-book.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow only.
The service cannot be used with an online registration valid for 30 days and a daily card.
Search interface of electronic contents and databases.

It is an electronic catalog: search interface of electronic contents and self-developed databases; the electronic scientific contents are acquired either by national licence or individual subscription. Now it contains databases subscribed within the 
frame of Electronic Information Service National Programme. 

Digital Literary Academy
Full-text database of Hungarian literary works.

The Digital Literary Academy (DIA) was established in the spring of 1998. Its mission is to bring the outstanding works of the latest and  contemporary Hungarian literature into the digital age by preservingtransmitting and promoting their values It is a uniformly managed database where the best pieces of contemporary Hungarian literature and the enlarging collection of the present-day works of belles lettres  considered as national treasures are available worldwide. 

Digital Archive of Pictures
Database of pictorial documents.

Digital Archive of Pictures is the developed database of Electronic Document Center located in National Széchényi Library. It contains digital documents of Hungarian relevance which are interesting from educational, scientific and cultural points of view. 

E-book Academic Collection
Full-text e-books covering some fields of science.

The growing subscription package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject  matter, and is a strong complement for any academic collection. The breadth of information available by this package ensures  that students and scholars will have access to information relevant to their research needs.
Its content covers the fields of arts, business, economics, education, linguistics and literary criticism as well as medicine, performing arts,  philosophy, politology, religion, social sciences and mechanical engineering.

eBook Academic Collection can be used by yearly subscription with unrestricted accessibility to contents and with availability of unrestricted  downloads by any number of simultaneous users.

The contents of the database are available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow. via the interface of EBSCOhost  and EBSCO Discovery, even by remote use, too. 

Full-text and bibliographical database containing more databases.
EBSCO is the collective provider of research databases, magazine subscriptions as well as e-books, e-journals and discovery service  to libraries of all kinds. It offers thousands of articles of current and archived journals and dailies, excerpts and full texts are included; they are provided in English.
EBSCO - as the abbreviation of Elton B. Stephens Company - is one of the largest privately held and family-owned companies to provide databases and offer journal subscriptions.

The content of the complex database is available with valid membership card (authorizing to borrow) in the branch libraries and the Central Library by access to internet; it is also available by remote access, from home.

What the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library can offer:

  • Academic Search Complete
  • eBook Academic Collection
  • e-Journals
  • European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
  • GreenFILE
  • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts /LISTA/
  • Open Dissertation
  • PsycArticles
  • RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
  • SocINDEX with Full Text
EBSCO Discovery Service
It searches in the databases of the library.
EDS - EBSCO Discovery Service is a comprehensive search engine; it offers integrated searching of all resources available by the library:  the library catalogue, subscribed and self-developed scientific databases, and also some freely available databases (Use of the databases is allowed by their publishers.) As it offers integrated searching of more resources, it saves time and work for users. 

The content of EDS is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow;  the service can be used not only in the library but remotely as well.

EBSCO e-Journals
Periodical database of some disciplines
The e-Journals database provides users with access to the library's e-journal subscriptions via the EBSCOhost interface (EBSCO Subscription Services).
Thousands of articles of electronic journals are available for users with valid subscriptions by EBSCO's SmartLinks technology which provides direct links to materials of publishers; the contents cover mainly scientific, technical and medical articles.  Not all articles are available with full texts.

The database can be used with reader’s card authorizing to borrow.
E-books and journals in the field of education
 ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) provides access to volumes and other resources that are necessary for education. The database contains more than 1.3 million records and provides access to the contents of journals available in Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index databases.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Access to legal contents of the European Union.

The official database of laws related to the EU. EUR-Lex provides online access to legal contents of the  EU.  The portal contains the official version of legal documents of the European Union and it is the most comprehensive law repository available in all the 24 official languages of the EU;  it is renewed (updated) day by day. 

Digitized documents of the archives of Europe.

The main mission of European Digital Library (Europeana) is to provide accessibility to documents digitized in the countries of the EU, brought together on a single platform and presented in a variety of ways relevant to modern users. The database offers free access to European cultural heritage from anywhere, at any time.  „Europeana search” available on the main page of the library’s website provides the opportunity of direct search.

Electronic Periodical Archive (EPA)
Full-text database of Hungarian periodicals.

The Electronic Periodicals Archive and Database (EPA) is the initiative of the Hungarian Electronic Library (MEK) aimed at creating a bibliographic database, registering e-periodicals of Hungarian relevance (by library requirement) and archiving some journals.

Encyclopaedia Britannica
General encyclopaedia in English.

It is the most important encyclopaedia of English speech area, the online version of Encyclopaedia Britannica.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 (EBSCO)
Bibliographical database related to America.
It is considered as the comprehensive guide of printed records related to the Americas and written in Europe before 1750.
It includes thousands of valuable primary source records covering the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples
valuable index for libraries and people that are interested in European publications concerning America  (American states). 
The source material is the result of the co-operation of EBSCO Publishing and John Carter Brown Library created on the basis of the appreciated bibliography „European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750”.  The database contains more than 32 000 entries. 
The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow. 
Gale e-Books
Sociological reference books and reference books of social sciences.

The database is the continuously enlarging collection of the most important foreign encyclopedias and reference books of sociology and social sciences. 

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

Database of Gondolat Publishers
Full-text books from the fields of social sciences and belles-lettres.

Gondolat Publishers (Gondolat Kiadó in Hungarian) has been present on the Hungarian publishing scene for more than half a century, and today it is a significant participant of Hungarian book market; one of the country’s major independent publishing companies specializing in academic books and high-quality European and Hungarian fiction, producing about 90 new titles every year.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

Bibliographic database related to environment protection.

GreenFILE is a free research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.  Its collection of scholarly, government related titles and the ones of general interest include content on global warming, green building,  pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, among others. More than 380 000 records with indexation and abstracts, nearly 5000 records with full-text contents are freely available.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

Digitized documents of Hungarian humanities

The mission of HUMANUS is to make available and provide bibliographical data of the studies and articles of Hungarian relevance in the 
field of humanities, from the beginning  to present days. 

Digitized documents of Hungarian archives.

The purpose of the Hungaricana project is to share Hungarian cultural heritage including contents that have never been accessible before. 
Hungaricana Library contains the digitized holdings of public collections (museums, libraries, archives) with full texts.
Our goal is to create an environment where everyone, whether professional or amateur, can explore even their own history and culture as well as history and culture of Hungary (in a clean and efficient way).
Databases of public collections of more than 150 institutions are available for browsing and integrated searching.

HUNGARICANA: The collection of Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library
Digitized documents of Budapest Collection in Hungaricana.

You can find the digital textual documents of Budapest Collection and digital copies of the publications printed as own editions of the library.

Bibliography of literary criticism, studies
Bibliographic database of literature.
The self-developed database of literature of the Library has been enlarging since 1961. It covers literary specialist books in Hungarian and articles of periodicals (weeklies, dailies, specialist journals). It includes mainly monographies, reviews and studies, however, it also contains some interviews, necrologs, laudations and poems of recommendation related to authors and literature.
JSTOR - Public Library Collection
Full-text database of some fields of science.
JSTOR is a digital library of thousands of academic journals, books, and primary sources. The full-text database of JSTOR Public Library Collection covers journal articles in the fields of mainly social sciences, however, articles of other sciences are also available.
JSTOR works with a diverse group of nearly 1,200 publishers  from more than 57 countries to preserve and make their content digitally available.
The database provides mainly archived contents; newer, current issues of 2-5 years are not available. The most contents of JSTOR are published in English, but German, French, Spanish articles and contents in other languages are also offered. 

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Database of Kalligram Publisher (Szaktárs)
Full-text books in the fields of belles-lettres, arts and more disciplines.
As a regional and minority publisher, Kalligram is the most important representative of Upland Hungarian literature and the  main conveyor of Central European cultures and literatures. It offers books related to religion, philosophy, psychology, social sciences, arts  and belles lettres.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow. 
Database of Kortárs Publishers (Szaktárs)
Full-text books mainly in the field of belles-lettres.
The publications on the history and theory of Hungarian literature  can be searched in the database of Kortárs Kiadó (Publisher).  As its name indicatesthe book publisher (established in 1993) is committed to publish contemporary literature of our age and deliver 
its up-to-date and quite important intellectual processes. 
The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow. 
Kossuth Publishers
Full-text books in the fields of history, philosophy and political science.
The database contains nearly 250 specialist books of Kossuth Publishing Group which is one of the leading players on book 
and audiobook market of Hungary. The book collection of this database includes volumes mainly in the fields of history, philosophy, social psychology, psychology and science of politics. 

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Bulletins online
Full-text database of bulletins.

Current and previous bulletins can be read and downloaded on the website of Magyar Közlöny Lap- és Könyvkiadó (https://www.mhk.hu/)

Database of Kriterion Publishers (Szaktárs)
Full-text books in the fields of history, literary and local history, etnography and belles lettres.
Kriterion Publishing House (with its 50 years) focuses on scientific and educational works, however, it also covers a little part of belles lettres.  The database contains full-text books in the fields of history, literary and local history, etnography (and belles lettres).

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Database of Kronosz Publishers (Szaktárs)
Full-text books in the fields of history, social sciences and belles-lettres.
Kronosz Publishing was established in the spring of 2012. Its main profile is social science books, especially historical 
and local history of Pécs-Baranya, but literary and art books are published too. Solo series: Sziluett - Modern Historical Biographies;  
Mosaic of Pécs; SziTu.  
The database covers the whole book collection of the publishing house. 
The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
L’Harmattan Open Access
Full-text books in the fields of humanities and social sciences.
L'Harmattan digital database contains books and textbooks digitalized by L'Harmattan Publishers. It is a complex database; it contains more than 1,400 books, textbooks and source publications in the fields of humanities and social sciences, most of them in Hungarian. 
The material of the collection is sorted in more than 20 disciplines, available in forms to read and search freely.

The content of the database - except the archive - is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Full-text database of Hungarian periodicals.
E-periodicals in the fields of cars and motorbikes, health, gastronomy,  lifestyle, education and dissemination of knowledge, culture, sports and IT  among others. Now 98 Hungarian journals and 12 German journals are available; the collection is expanded continually.

Availability: The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow in all libraries of MESZL and by remote access as well.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts /LISTA/ (EBSCO)
Bibliographical database related to library and information science.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) is a free research database for library and information science studies. LISTA provides indexing and abstracting for hundreds of  core journals, books, research reports and lectures, including nearly 50 partly available journals and 125 selected journals; coverage dating back to 1960; this is the oldest database developed continuously in the field of IT.  The  collection covers several subjects such as bibliometrics, cataloging, classification, librarianship and information management, among others. 

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

MATARKA – Hungarian Periodicals Table of Contents Database
Database of the contents of specialized periodicals by Hungarian publication.

The database of MATARKA provides the nation-wide free service covering the contents of scientific and specialized journals issued in Hungary; they can be searched in several different ways, and individual journal issues can also be browsed.

MERSZ – Hungarian electronic reference work service (EISZ)
Reference books covering some fields of science.
It is a continuously expanding electronic collection of basic reference works published by Akadémiai Kiadó, providing legal electronic access to 
several, more than 700 works;  MERSZ comes with all the advantages digital books offer.

The service provides the following possibilities: 
  1. Comfortable search options: simultaneous full-text search in all works, with an etymon function;
  2. Category choice: browsing documents based on themes, in several disciplines;
  3. Placement of bookmarks;
  4. Note taking and printing;
  5. Copying or printing of document parts, including even notes.
Online content service in the fields of 15 sciences, from biology to music science...
The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
MMA Publisher (Szaktárs)
Art books, albums, catalogues, conference booklets, biographies.
Since its establishment in 2017, the main goal of the publishing house is to publish books (art books, albums, catalogues, conference booklets, works of art), CDs, DVDs and the periodical Hungarian Art. The database is constantly expanding and aims to provide a single service for all the publisher's publications that can be legally published digitally.
MOKKA – Hungarian National Common Catalogue
Joint catalogue of National Document Supply System.
It is the common (shared) catalogue of national, academic,  university and college libraries as well as county and town libraries  which have the role of central provision. 
The database also supports the retrospective cataloguing being carried out by Hungarian libraries. It offers a standardised, user-friendly system designed to be used by both librarians and readers.
Hungarian Electronic Library
Full-text database of books of Hungarian relevance.

Full-text database of books of Hungarian relevance.  Hungarian Electronic Library collects and preserves freely available electronic documents in Hungarian and related to Hungary and Central Europe in the fields of culture, education and academic research. Documents are collected from a variety of sources.

Hungarian National Bibliography (MNB)
Bibliographic database of Hungaricums.

Digitised descriptive national bibliographies (available via the internet, too) concerning  documents of Hungaricums, relevant databases and the ones published as e-journals are collected on an integrated (common) surface (platform), within the database of Hungarian National Bibliography.

Hungarian National Digital Archive (MaNDA)
Digitized documents of Hungarian archives.

As a collection available by the public, it publishes the digitized cultural contents of Hungarian museums, libraries, archives, private collections, NGOs, cultural and educational institutes on a common surface (platform).

Mentor Books Publisher (Szaktárs)
Full-text books in the fields of history, ethnography, arts and belles-lettres.

One of the most famous Transylvanian book publishers that focuses on publication of books in the fields of history, ethnography, arts and belles-lettres.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

Middle English Dictionary (MED)
Middle English monolingual dictionary.
The online dictionary is the world's largest searchable database of Middle English lexicon and usage for the period 1100-1500. An invaluable resource for lexicographers, language scholars and other scholars in medieval studies.
Past and Future Publishers (Szaktárs)
Full-text books in the fields of history, philosophy, religion, arts, social sciences and belles-lettres, Jewish sciences and holocaust.

Main objectives of the database are to collect, publishpopularize and follow what Hungarian Jews have produced in literature and in the arts,  including Jewish Studies as well, so that the works survive and so that we may pass on this treasure chest to become part of both 
the universal and Hungarian cultural memory.  

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow. 

Nap Publisher (Szaktárs)
Works of cultural, literary and popular cultural value.
Database of works of cultural, literary and popular cultural value.
Napvilág Publisher (Szaktárs)
Full-text books in the fields of history and social sciences.
With their works the publishers present the social problems of the 20th century, a critical elaboration of the history of the 20th century and the results of contemporary history research. Political biographies, volumes of our award-winning educational series, source publications, large-volume monographs and handbooks provide a wide range of up-to-date and essential knowledge for readers who are interested in mainly social sciences and history. The authors are prominent representatives of  Hungarian scientific and public life. Publicity is also provided to hidden, sometimes blocked contents.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
National Audiovisual Archive
Archive of Hungarian audiovisual contents.

NAVA is the digital legal deposit archive for locally-produced programmes of Hungarian television channels (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 Duna, RTL Klub, TV2, ATV, HírTV, EchoTV) and radio stations (Kossuth, Petőfi, Bartók Radio).   The archive covers TV films and series, audiovisual contents related to health and life-style.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card only in the library - in the Central Library and at more NAVA points.

News database of EBSCO

The Newswires database of EBSCO continuously provides near real-time accessibility to top news of the world by Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire and Business Wire news agencies. The index of the full text of EBSCO Newswires is stored in an archive available for 30 days; so, users can search for the news they are interested in  clear back to previous 30 days.

The database can be used with reader’s card authorizing to borrow.

List of public libraries
List of Hungarian public libraries.
The database contains the name, address, website (homepage) address (URL) and name of maintainers of  libraries which are available for everyone.
Open Dissertations (EBSCO)
Bibliographic database of dissertations.

The Open Dissertations database is free with records for more than 1.4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 
320 universities around the world in order to help scholars with contents of historical and contemporary theses and dissertations.  It provides references to users within the period of the beginning of 20th century and today; it is regularly renewed, so it is up-to-date and expanding.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

A complex business information system.
Detailed, continuously verified, updated, easily searchable data on more than 1.5 million businesses with indicators, indexes, certificates and unique services not found anywhere else.
Osiris Publisher (Szaktárs)
Full-text books in the fields of humanities, religion, arts, social sciences and belles-lettres.
It is the database of Osiris Publisher that has a great role of book publishing in Hungary in the fields of humanities, social sciences,  higher education and belles-lettres. It contains nearly 1700 volumes sorted in 20 discipline categories. 

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Oxford Music Online
Music lexicon in English.
Oxford Music Online (Grove Music Online) is the world’s premier online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making and music scholarship. The authoritative resource for music research with over 50,000 articles written by nearly 9,000 scholars charting the diverse history and cultures of music around the globe. Updated frequently, Grove Music Online database contains 33,000 biographical articles that provide life information and detailed work lists for composers, performers, and other important musical figures. It also features more than 5,000 images, musical examples, and links to audio and video examples. The database is an essential tool for anyone interested in researching, teaching, or just learning more about music. 

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
SocINDEX with full text - online (EBSCO)
Database of sociology relevance.
SocINDEX with Full Text is the most comprehensive database of sociology researches. The sociological database of the highest quality 
(as sociology researches are concerned) provides full-text, peer-reviewed sociology journals covering many studies including gender studies,  
criminal justice, social psychology, racial studies, religion and social work. It contains more than 2 100 000 records; the exploration of the content is built on the sociological tezaurus of more than 20 000 expressions collected by experts of the topic and encyclopaedists.
In SocINDEX with Full Text full texts of more than 820 journals are available, dating back to 1908.
Complete with extensive indexing for 830 books and monographs, 14 636 conference papers and other non-periodical 
content sources, SocINDEX with Full Text also includes searchable cited references.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Database of specialized literature (Hungarian and foreign legal; world politics)
Database of specialized literature related to law and world politics.
The Library of the Hungarian Parliament is the national special library and information center of legal literature.
The Database of specialised literature belonging to the Library of the Hungarian Parliament contains more than 500 000 items including the contents of the expanding Database of Hungarian Law (selected literature of Hungarian law covering book reviews, periodical articles and essays), the closed Database of Foreign Law and Database of World Policy Information. 

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Szaktárs database
Database of reference book publishers with full texts.
Database of reference book publishers with full texts. It was developed to collect  and make available the works of the most important reference book publishers in a modern way on an integrated platform (surface).
Several databases are subscribed by our library; the contents of those databases are available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow in all libraries and by remote access.
Here is the list (exceptions are indicated):

Academic Digital Archive
Argumentum Kiadó (Argumentum Publisher)
Attraktor Kiadó (Attraktor Publisher)

Balassi Kiadó (Balassi Publisher)
Gondolat Kiadó (Gondolat Publishers)
Kalligram Kiadó (Kalligram Publishers)
Kortárs Kiadó

Kriterion Kiadó  (Kriterion Publishers)
Múlt és Jövő Kiadó
Napvilág Kiadó

Osiris Kiadó (Osiris Publishers)
Szent István Társulat ( ) - in all libraries; remote access is not available.
Tarsoly Kiadó (Tarsoly Publisher)
TIT Gondolat Kiadó (1957-1995)

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Szaktudás Kiadó Ház (Szaktárs)
Full-text books in the field of agriculture.
Szaktudás Kiadó Ház Ltd. is the second largest agricultural publisher in the country and it is recognized by both authors and readers.
The publishing house publishes about 15-25 new books every year. More than 600 titles have been published in the fields of agrarian economy, agriculture, food industry,
rural development, stock-raising since the beginning. 
Besides publication of textbooks for students, the main profile of the Publisher has been the publication of specialized textbooks and reference books since 2001, the internal reorganization of the company.
The aim is to provide up-to-date and practice oriented information to changing agriculture
and the countryside. 

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
Századvég Publisher (Szaktárs)
Works by one of the leading national publishers of social- and political science.
Its profile focuses on publishing the writings of national authors in the fields of history, political science, sociology and philosophy.
It is an ever-expanding value-added workshop, in which the various segments of Hungarian culture play a central role: from the history of the various media, theatre and cinema to gastronomy and sociography, it aims to enrich the world of Hungarian publishing with works that fill gaps in all fields.
Szent István Társulat (Szaktárs)
Full-text books in the fields of humanities, theology, arts, social sciences and belles-lettres.
Full-text books in the fields of humanities, theology, social sciences, arts, among others. The publishing activity covers theology as the main profile and other sciences such as humanities, natural sciences, history and its auxiliary sciences, jurisprudence and social sciences as well as  psychology, etnography and history of culture, literature and arts. As the biggest ecclesiastical book publisher in Central Europe, it publishes around 100 new volumes in each year.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
SzocioWeb – Bibliography of Hungarian sociology literature
Bibliographic database of literature with sociology relevance.
Bibliographic database of literature with sociological relevance. The database has been registering (collecting) the selected bibliography of Hungarian sociology as well as the social sciences of Hungarian relation since 1970.  
It was available to search in Corvina integrated library system of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library from 2007. 
Due to IT development, the content of the database can be searched independently on a new surface (platform) from 2018.
All in all, the search interface is known for users of the library catalog, unique elements are developed to help with effective data collecting.

Naturally, contents of the bibliography can be searched still in the catalog.  Here, items can be narrowed to the ones of sociological bibliography in Collection menu point at Advanced search.
Digital Archive of Sociology History
Full-text Hungarian books of sociology history.
Selected collection of full-text Hungarian books of sociology history written by classic authors of the subject, namely Péter Ágoston,  István Apáthy, Győző Concha, Sarolta Geőcze, Sándor Giesswein, Pál Hunfalvy, Bódog Somló, Ervin Szabó, among others. Free text search is available in 45 works.
WordKnowledgeRepository - Tinta Könyvkiadó
Database of monolingual Hungarian dictionaries, searchable by entries.
The monolingual Hungarian dictionary is available on internet with a really rich content providing information about Hungarian words in the following topics:  
Etimology, synonym, antonym, old (or archaic) words, pronunciation, compound, explaining,  proverb, foreign word, abbreviation. 
It is published by Tinta Kiadó.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
TIT Gondolat Publisher (Szaktárs)
Full-text books from the fields of belles-lettres, arts and more natural and social sciences.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

Tarsoly Publisher's books (Szaktárs)
Books dealing with history and related sciences, psychology and social sciences.
The publishing house is committed to the issues of the Hungarian people's destiny, and therefore mainly in the 20th and 21st century. 
He publishes books on history and its auxiliary sciences (family research, genealogy, heraldry), local history, and economics related to the life of Hungarians in the 19th century but his books on church history, architecture, and psychology are also valuable.
Tinta Publisher (Szaktárs)
The database contains the most important works in the field of linguistics in Hungary.
TINTA Publishing House is the market leader in the field of monolingual Hungarian dictionary publishing and the publishing of Hungarian linguistic reference books, aiming at the multifaceted inventory and study of the vocabulary of the Hungarian language, the greatest Hungarian treasure, and the publication of various types of modern monolingual Hungarian dictionaries. The present collection contains the specialised books published by the publisher to support the scientific work. The publisher provides its monolingual dictionaries in a separate database, SzóTudásTár, which is also available in the FSZEK database offer.
Typotext Interbook
Full-text books covering some fields of science.
Full-text books covering some fields of science. The database contains more than 600, mostly Hungarian, publications of Typotex Publishing in pdf format. The database includes higher education textbooks, notes and technical books in the fields of natural and social sciences, mathematics, medical science, technical sciences and arts. Search can be made by author, title, subject, and within the text. 
Registration is required for the use of the service.
After registration / logging in 25 percent of the books can be downloaded and printed. 

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.
USC Soá Alapítvány Vizuális Történeti Archívum (EISZ)
Visual interviews concerning holocaust and other genocide.

A collection of visual interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust and other genocides. The Visual History Archive of the USC Shoah Foundation allows users to browse and view more than 55,000 video interviews with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides. Videos can be found in 44 different languages and they were recorded in 65 different countries. The database contains more than 1300 interviews in Hungarian and thousands of Hungarian-related interviews in other foreign languages concerning the Hungarian experiences throughout the Holocaust. The database provides information about the births and deaths of the relatives of interview subjects and people who have been mentioned in VHA-confessions.
On this website, the information pages of the partner associations ensure extended context about the histories and collection methods of all organizations that contributed to VHA.
The database also covers special content on the genocides in Ruanda, Guatemala, Cambodia, Rohingya and Armenia and also the massacre of Nanking, China.

The content of this database is available with a valid membership card with borrowing privileges.

Új Jogtár (New Law Collection)
Full-text Hungarian legal materials.

The database called Új Jogtár (New Law Collection)  has been published by Wolters Kluwer Ltd.
The database can be used by limited number of users; it may occur that connection is not possible in a certain moment, so, it is worth trying again later.

The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow.

Városháza Kiadó (City Hall Publisher)
Digitized documents related to Budapest.
Digitized documents (by Budapest Municipality and its institutions) related to Budapest. Operating within the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library, Városháza Publishing House is specialized in publications relating to local history as well as cultural and artistic life of the Hungarian capital covering the collection of books, studies and essays, articles, among others in order to share them publicly in digitized and printed forms. Hungaricana portal contains the volumes of the book series “Our Budapest”; they are available in Hungarian, English, German and Italian languages.
Vince Publisher (Szaktárs)
Specialist books on the arts, natural and social sciences, furthermore family, travel and gastronomy.
It publishes art monographs, albums, social and natural science works, academic pedagogical, psychological, legal, family, travel and gastronomic books, life-style works, reference publications. The special feature of these books is that they are usually not only a concise and complete summary of previous knowledge, but also contain the latest research findings and assumptions.