Online dailies and weeklies, journals

Picture of a laptop and a printed dailyPhoto: MESZL

Our online dailies and weeklies are available partly by remote access and they can be used (and read) with a membership card authorizing to borrow in all branch libraries.

Some alterations by editing the settings of the browser – to set up the proxy settings – are necessary to use the service remotely.
You can find help here.)

  • Arcanum Digital Repository
    The logo of ADT database Arcanum Digital Science Repository (Arcanum Digitheca) / ADT Plus

    The database providing Hungarian contents includes hundreds of domestic scientific and specialized journals, encyclopaedias, weekly and daily newspapers, yearbooks and reference books, among others. 
    The database is one of the biggest online collection of Hungarikums of 19th-20th centuries; an important source of Hungarian cultural, social and economic history. Digital contents are stored and shown in PDF format, so users can see the authentic page image (view) of the original document.

    It is available in all libraries of our system;  it is NOT available by remote access, neither for those who have a membership card authorizing to borrow.

  • Laptapír
    Logo of the database Laptapír

    Full-text, electronic journal and magazine reader of Hungarian periodicals.
    E-periodicals in the fields of cars and motorbikes, health, gastronomy,  lifestyle, education and dissemination of knowledge, culture, sports and IT  among others.

    Availability: The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow, by remote access as well.

  • Academic Search Complete
    The logo of the Academic Search Complete database Academic Search Complete

    Academic Search Complete is the most valuable and comprehensive, scholarly, multidisciplinary full text database in the world. It contains more than 8800 full text periodicals including 7700 revised ones. Besides full texts, it covers the indices and abstracts (summaries) of more than 13 600 publications, including monographies, reports and conference lectures. 

    It is available for all those who have a membership card (authorizing to borrow); remote use is also possible.
  • AK Journals
    The logo of the AK Journals database AK Journals

    Publications by Akadémiai Kiadó provide opportunities for scholars to publish the latest (current) results, from nuclear chemistry through microbiology to linguistics, among others. All publications are peer reviewed , most of them have impact factor and some of them are among the most significant scientific publications  on a world scale.

    The database is available for all those who have membership card authorizing to borrow; remote use is also possible.

  • Arcanum Digital Repository
    The logo of ADT database Arcanum Digital Science Repository (Arcanum Digitheca) / ADT Plus

    The database providing Hungarian contents includes hundreds of domestic scientific and specialized journals, encyclopaedias, weekly and daily newspapers, yearbooks and reference books, among others. 
    The database is one of the biggest online collection of Hungarikums of 19th-20th centuries; an important source of Hungarian cultural, social and economic history. Digital contents are stored and shown in PDF format, so users can see the authentic page image (view) of the original document.

    It is available in all libraries of our system;  it is NOT available by remote access, neither for those who have a membership card authorizing to borrow.

  • Cambridge University Press Journal - Humanities and Social Sciences Collections
    The logo of the Cambridge University Press database. Cambridge University Press Journals - Humanities & Social Sciences Collection (HSSC)

    Cambridge University Press is the scientific publisher of a high ranked university of Europe and the world. Its full-text multidisciplinary journal database is outstanding mainly in the fields of humanities and social sciences, but natural and technical sciences are also represented. The full texts of 1 million  essays (and studies) in all are available in more than 300 scientific journals. If you want to get information by browsing only in subscribed current journals, please click to „Only show content I have full access to” in the database.  

    The database is available for all those who have membership card authorizing to borrow in all of our libraries; remote use is also possible.
  • Journal Backfile Collections on Science Direct
    The logo of Elsevier Publishing House Journal Backfile Collections

    The multidisciplinary archive database of Journal Backfile Collections provides access to high-quality scholarly journals published before 1995. Besides outstanding contents of technical, natural and medical science, the database contains the essays of about 300 journals of Social Sciences and Humanities.

    The database is available for all those who have membership card authorizing to borrow in all of our libraries; remote use is also possible.
    The logo of the JSTOR database. JSTOR

    JSTOR is a digital library of thousands of academic journals, books, and primary sources. The full-text database of JSTOR Public Library Collection covers journal articles in the fields of mainly humanities and social sciences, however, articles of other sciences are also available. JSTOR works with a diverse group of nearly 1,200 publishers from more than 57 countries to preserve and make their content digitally available.

    It is accessible through EISZ in the library. The database is available for all those who have membership card authorizing to borrow in all of our libraries; remote use is also possible.
  • Oxford University Press Journal - Social Science Collection
    The logo of OUP Oxford University Press Journal SSC

    Oxford University Press is the scientific publisher of a high ranked university of Europe and the world. The Oxford Journals Collection offers access to more than 300 high quality online journals in medicine, life sciences, mathematics and physical sciences, law, the humanities and social sciences. Our subscriptions include access to the latest content and previous contents of Collection on Social Sciences.

    The content of the database is available with valid membership card authorizing to borrow in all of our libraries; remote use is also possible.
  • Suweco
    The logo of the database. Suweco

    Most of the sociological journals available in printed version in our library have online subscription as well, these sources are accessible through Suweco Online Service this year. Clicking to the title of the journal, the online version of the current issue, sometimes previous volumes can be browsed. 5 other journals are added to the collection of these journals; they are subscribed, but they are not available in printed version: Journal of Social Psychology, Public Opinion Quarterly, Social Forces, Social Problems, Sociologia Ruralis. 

    The database is available for all those who have membership card authorizing to borrow in all of our libraries; remote use is also possible.