Sándor Márai Library (0101)
Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina körút 87-91.
Phone: +36 1 356 4694 vagy +36 1 666 1048 0101
E-mail: fszek0101@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-16:00

Manager: Mátray Klementina

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Hűvösvölgy (0201)
Address: 1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 85.
Phone: (1) 200-1098
E-mail: fszek0201@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: Closed-Closed

Manager: Vargáné Szigethy Mónika

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Török utca (0204)
Address: 1023 Budapest, Török utca 7-9.
Phone: (1) 212-1103
E-mail: fszek0204@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 11:00-19:00

Manager: Virág György

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Csillaghegy (0302)
Address: 1039 Budapest, Bajáki E. u. 5-7.
Phone: (1) 388-2804
E-mail: fszek0302@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: Closed-Closed

2017. március 7-től zárva.
Go to the library datasheet
Library of Békásmegyer (0305)
Address: 1039 Budapest, Füst Milán utca 26.
Phone: (1)245-3409
E-mail: fszek0305@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 12:00-19:00

Manager: Őri Melinda

Go to the library datasheet
Gyula Krúdy Library (0307)
Address: 1033 Budapest, Fő tér 5.
Phone: (1) 368-8476
E-mail: fszek0307@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 13:00-19:00

Manager: Varró Erika

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Király utca (0401)
Address: 1042 Budapest, Király u. 5.
Phone: (1) 369-4979
E-mail: fszek0401@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-19:00

Manager: Goldoványi Zoltán

Go to the library datasheet
Babits Mihály Library (0403)
Address: 1048 Budapest, Lóverseny tér 5/a.
Phone: (1) 230-2276
E-mail: fszek0403@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-14:00

Manager: Guzsalovits Andrea

Go to the library datasheet
City Library of Vadász utca (0502)
Address: 1054 Budapest, Vadász utca 42.
Phone: (1) 332-7392
E-mail: fszek0502@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 13:00-19:00

Manager: Matavovszky Ivon

Go to the library datasheet
Boulevard Library (0601)
Address: 1066 Budapest, Teréz körút 2-4.
Phone: 06 1 322 6656
E-mail: fszek0601@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-19:00

Manager: Kuczkó Andrea

Go to the library datasheet
Children's Library of Terézváros (0602)
Address: 1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 6.
Phone: (1) 342-1948
E-mail: fszek0602@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 13:00-16:00

Manager: Szenáky Zsuzsanna

Go to the library datasheet
Ferenc Deák Library (0702)
Address: 1074 Budapest, Rottenbiller utca 10.
Phone: (1) 342-5362
E-mail: fszek0702@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-16:00

Manager: Béres Ildikó

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Kertész utca (0703)
Address: 1073 Budapest, Kertész utca 15.
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: Closed-Closed

Manager: -
A könyvtár bezárt.
További információ a cikkben olvasható.

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Kálvária tér (0802)
Address: 1089 Budapest, Kálvária tér 12.
Phone: (1) 313-8037
E-mail: fszek0802@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 13:00-19:00

Manager: Porhajasné Hranecz Margit

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Börzsöny utca (0901)
Address: 1098 Budapest, Börzsöny utca 13.
Phone: (1) 357-5808
E-mail: fszek0901@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: Closed-Closed

Manager: Tóthné Movik Adrien

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Boráros tér (0902)
Address: 1093 Budapest, Boráros tér 2.
Phone: (1) 217-8438
E-mail: fszek0902@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-14:00

Manager: Körmendiné Jakub Ágnes

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Újhegy (1003)
Address: 1108 Budapest, Újhegyi sétány 16.
Phone: (1) 261-0548
E-mail: fszek1003@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-15:00

Manager: Lázár Ivett

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Kőbánya (1004)
Address: 1105 Budapest, Szent László tér 7-14.
Phone: (1) 261-6001
E-mail: fszek1004@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-19:00

Manager: Wallner Andor

Go to the library datasheet
Zsigmond Móricz Library (1103)
Address: 1118 Budapest, Nagyszeben tér 1.
Phone: (1) 248-1207
E-mail: fszek1103@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-16:00

Manager: Mészáros-Bodor Erika

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Kelenföld (1105)
Address: 1119 Budapest, Etele út 55.
Phone: +36 (1) 666 1048/1105 ; +36 (1) 766 3311
E-mail: fszek1105@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-16:00

Manager: Kiss Eszter

Go to the library datasheet
Frigyes Karinthy Library (1106)
Address: 1117 Budapest, Karinthy Frigyes út 11.
Phone: (1) 279-1483
E-mail: fszek1106@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-16:00

Manager: Kenese Szilárd

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Ugocsa utca (1201)
Address: 1126 Budapest, Ugocsa utca 10.
Phone: (1) 225-1228
E-mail: fszek1201@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-19:00

Manager: Marosvári Nóra

Go to the library datasheet
Miklós Radnóti Library (1302)
Address: 1133 Budapest, Pannónia u. 88-90.
Phone: (1) 398-6280
E-mail: fszek1302@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-15:00

Manager: Novák Péter

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Lehel utca (1304)
Address: 1134 Budapest, Lehel utca 31.
Phone: (1) 320-8829
E-mail: fszek1304@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 12:00-16:00

Manager: Szűcs Bettina

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Garden suburb in Angyalföld (1306)
Address: 1131 Budapest, Mosoly utca 40/a.
Phone: (1) 349-1532
E-mail: fszek1306@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 12:00-16:00

Manager: Vári Ildikó

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Dagály utca (Angyalföld) (1308)
Address: 1138 Budapest, Dagály utca 9.
Phone: (1) 340-3309
E-mail: fszek1308@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-16:00

Manager: Báling Gábor

Go to the library datasheet
Kassák Library (1401)
Address: 1145 Budapest, Uzsoki utca 57.
Phone: (1) 251-3669
E-mail: fszek1401@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 14:00-19:00

Manager: Cselikovics-Mrávics Katalin

Go to the library datasheet
Bosnyák Library (1402)
Address: 1145 Budapest, Bosnyák utca 1/a
Phone: (1) 383-0197
E-mail: fszek1402@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-14:00

Manager: Koncsik Anikó

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Füred (1404)
Address: 1144 Budapest, Csertő park 10.
Phone: (1) 223-0890
E-mail: fszek1404@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-14:00

Manager: Schumann Kornél

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Eötvös utca (1501)
Address: 1153 Budapest, Eötvös utca 8.
Phone: (1) 306-0742
E-mail: fszek1501@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-15:00

Manager: Mants Marianna Regina

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Zsókavár utca (1503)
Address: 1157 Budapest, Zsókavár utca 28.
Phone: (1) 416-0736
E-mail: fszek1503@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-16:00

Manager: Deli Judit

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Szűcs István utca (1504)
Address: 1158 Budapest, Szűcs István utca 45.
Phone: (1) 410-7767
E-mail: fszek1504@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-13:00

Manager: Jebudánszkiné Polák Szilvia

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Rákosi út (1601)
Address: 1161 Budapest, Rákosi út. 119.
Phone: (1) 405-5244
E-mail: fszek1601@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-15:00

Manager: Buzási Erika

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Sashalom (1602)
Address: 1163 Budapest, Veres Péter út 53.
Phone: (1) 403-0813
E-mail: fszek1602@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-16:00

Manager: Okos Judit

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Rákoscsaba (1702)
Address: 1171 Budapest, Péceli út 232.
Phone: (1) 256-0819
E-mail: fszek1702@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-15:00

Manager: Fodor Krisztina

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Rákoskeresztúr (1704)
Address: 1173 Budapest, Pesti út 167.
Phone: (1) 257-4088
E-mail: fszek1704@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-15:00

Manager: Szilárd Csaba

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Pestszentimre (1801)
Address: 1188 Budapest, Vasút utca 48.
Phone: (1) 291-2392
E-mail: fszek1801@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-17:00

Manager: Siklósi Katalin

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Havanna housing estate (1802)
Address: 1181 Budapest, Csontváry utca 32.
Phone: (1) 291-1069
E-mail: fszek1802@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-15:00

Manager: Repkényiné Nagy Edit

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Pestlőrinc (1803)
Address: 1183 Budapest, Thököly út 5.
Phone: (1) 291-2575
E-mail: fszek1803@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-19:00

Manager: Juglné Vilhelm Tünde

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Üllői út (1901)
Address: 1191 Budapest, Üllői út 255.
Phone: (1) 281-1163 vagy (1) 666-1048/1901
E-mail: fszek1901@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-15:00

Manager: Popovics Beatrix

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Bíró Mihály utca (2002)
Address: 1203 Budapest, Bíró Mihály utca 7.
Phone: (1) 283-0872
E-mail: fszek2002@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 13:00-19:00

Manager: Oravecz Krisztina

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Vécsey housing estate (2004)
Address: 1204 Budapest, Pacsirta utca 157/B.
Phone: (1) 284-7447
E-mail: fszek2004@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-15:00

Manager: Szepesi Kinga

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Sétáló utca (2101)
Address: 1211 Budapest, II. Rákóczi F. u. 106.
Phone: (1) 276-3512
E-mail: fszek2101@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-17:00

Manager: Holczman Györgyné

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Királyerdő (2103)
Address: 1213 Budapest, Szent István út 230.
Phone: (1) 277-5278
E-mail: fszek2103@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-16:00

Manager: Wágner Mónika

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Csillagtelep (2105)
Address: 1214 Budapest, Vénusz utca 2.
Phone: (1) 276-8953
E-mail: fszek2105@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-16:00

Manager: Sárközi Elvira

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Nagytétény (2201)
Address: 1225 Budapest, Nagytétényi út 283.
Phone: (1) 207-5257
E-mail: fszek2201@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-16:00

Manager: Ráczné Forgács Anita

Go to the library datasheet
Library of Budafok (2203)
Address: 1221 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos utca 30.
Phone: (1) 424-5989
E-mail: fszek2203@fszek.hu
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 10:00-16:00

Manager: Szabó Ágnes Szilvia

Go to the library datasheet
Petőfi 200 Memorial Library of Soroksár (2301)
Address: 1238 Budapest, Grassalkovich út 128.
Phone: (1) 289-0811
E-mail: fszek2301@fszek.hu​
Today: Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: 9:00-15:00

Manager: Szabó Andrea

Go to the library datasheet