The greetings of general director

Welcome to the new website of Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library.
Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library is the fundamental cultural institution of Budapest; it is quite important for readers, users, visitors. People come to the library for various reasons: someone wants to borrow books, others search for literature to their studies; somebody needs information or advice to start, or wishes for a calm place; others are looking for community experience and programmes, exhibitions. The library welcomes everyone; it provides equality of access to its collections, services and programmes to the wide public irrespectively of age and social status, without restrictions on time and space.
Changes caused by COVID pandemic posed and pose unexpected challenges for us, both readers and librarians. We had to make decisions on the operation and services of the library frequently in the past period, sometimes almost day by day. It is proven to be true that the library has never closed, actually. It may occur that our buildings have to be closed for a while; however, as many services as possible are kept available to the users in as many ways as possible. There is a great demand for them. Books are required, there is a strong desire to read; readers would like to contact with librarians and keep in touch with the library in as many ways as possible. The creative ideas and solutions of past months, expansion of remote services, the extension of due dates of library memberships and loans, remote payment, accessibility of databases available from home, online programmes, story reading, slide projecting, fan meetings and personalized services all serve this purpose.
We aimed at developing a portal that is easy to navigate; a website that can be used conveniently by mobile devices, providing regularly updated pieces of information on various fields. You can find more information about the new website and its structure, contents and novelties in our article. The earlier website of the library is available in archived form on site. We hope that all users can easily find the information they need on our new website. Please send your feedbacks and comments to
The library and the staff got ready to provide full services of high quality to readers, users and visitors now in the period of restrictions and later, after derestriction. We do it all to welcome our readers and users as library visitors again. So, Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library continues to be the fundamental institution of the capital, providing cultural public services.
We aimed at developing a portal that is easy to navigate; a website that can be used conveniently by mobile devices, providing regularly updated pieces of information on various fields. You can find more information about the new website and its structure, contents and novelties in our article. The earlier website of the library is available in archived form on site. We hope that all users can easily find the information they need on our new website. Please send your feedbacks and comments to
The library and the staff got ready to provide full services of high quality to readers, users and visitors now in the period of restrictions and later, after derestriction. We do it all to welcome our readers and users as library visitors again. So, Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library continues to be the fundamental institution of the capital, providing cultural public services.
Yours faithfully,
dr. Péter Fodor, director general