This article was archived on 2023. 12. 31 the pieces of information were correct when the article was published, but now they may be outdated.

The Sister Library-Support Program of Ferenc Kölcsey Foundation

The Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library submitted a tender on 9th June 2023 to the Ferenc Kölcsey Foundation to support the Erzsébet Juhász Library in Topolya with book donations. In the tender, the MESZL committed to support the Erzsébet Juhász Library in Vojvodina with book donations using the HUF 250.000 aid received, and also deliver to Topolya the literature and children's literature books published in Hungary, which would be acquired according to the request list compiled by the city library of Topolya.

In 2023, the MESZL acquired the books in Hungarian from Líra Könyv Zrt., as part of a public procurement contract. With the aid of the tender received from Ferenc Kölcsey Foundation, the library of Topolya could browse through the book list provided by Líra Könyv Zrt., which is also available for MESZL. The acquisition of the books requested by the staff of the partner library was carried out by the Acquisition Department of MESZL and they succeeded to buy a total of 92 books.

A könyvtár fotója, logója és a könyvadomány fotói
A könyvtár fotója, logója és a könyvadomány fotói A könyvtár fotója, logója és a könyvadomány fotói A könyvtár fotója, logója és a könyvadomány fotói

The handover ceremony of the books was held on 2nd October 2023 during the professional conference Hídépítők – A könyv híd, a könyvtár összeköt (Bridge builders - The book is a bridge, the library connects - ed.) in the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library.

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