This article was archived on 2023. 03. 31 the pieces of information were correct when the article was published, but now they may be outdated.

Bewitched by colors

A new exhibition opened in Bosnyák Library, showcasing the paintings of Norbert Szabó.

Boris Karloff, as Frankenstein's monster - painting by Norbert Szabó
Boris Karloff, as Frankenstein's monster - painting

"I am Norbert Szabó, 40 years old, engineer" - the artist writes as an introduction. "I have been painting for 13 years, mostly in my free time. I love to paint any subject or theme I find interesting. During the past years I have learned a lot from other artists, people and I have gotten to know myself better, as well.

Painting and the art itself is a constant learning experience that never stops. I am open to new things, but we cannot forget the great works of the past, either.

Salvador Dalí - painting by Norbert Szabó
Salvador Dalí - painting

My pictures are more of a modern style. I love using pastel colors and movies as themes. I would love to improve more and create higher-quality paintings in the future. My goal is to show my works to more and more people and to have them be entertained during the viewing."

Star Wars-fantasy - painting by Norbert Szabó
Star Wars-fantasy - painting

The exhibition can be viewed from 13th February to 31st March 2023 in Bosnyák Library during opening hours.

By visiting the program the participants acknowledge that photos/videos are taken on the programs; they can be published on the library website or Facebook site. Data management is based on voluntary consent. You can object to publication of your profile in writing.


Photos: László Nagy (MESZL)