Invitation to the "Kisképző" Photo Now 2024 Exhibition
You are cordially invited to attend the opening of the "Kisképző Photo Now 2024" exhibition, presented by the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library and the Secondary School of Visual Arts. The event will take place on March 27th, 2024, at 5 PM, at the Small Gallery of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library.
Join us for this special occasion, where welcome speeches will be delivered by Ferenc Farkas, Director of the MESZL Central Library, and Szilvia Mucsy, Director of the Budapest Photo Festival. The exhibition will be inaugurated by Tibor Szűcs, the school's director.
The exhibition will be on display in the Small Gallery of the Central Library (2nd floor) during the library's regular opening hours until April 24th, 2024.
Address: 1088 Budapest, Reviczky u. 1.
We look forward to seeing you there!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Participation in the programs organized by the library is free of charge. By attending the event, participants acknowledge that photographs and videos may be taken during the program and could be published on the library's website or Facebook page. Data management is based on voluntary consent. If you wish to object to the publication of your profile, please submit a written request.
Image: Secondary School of Visual Arts