This article was archived on 2024. 06. 27 the pieces of information were correct when the article was published, but now they may be outdated.

Time Waves – Guitar Recital by Éva Bekő

Venue: Török utca Library of the Szabó Ervin Library Network of the Capital City, 1023 Budapest, Török utca 7-9.


This concert features the guitar pieces of Éva Bekő performed by the composer herself. The works of Éva Bekő express a soft, meditative mood, which encourages the listener to an inner journey and self-discovery if they are open to it. The themes of these works are related to self-knowledge, inner contemplation, the inexorability of passing of time, and the experience of the present moment. In these compositions, the composer combines the elements of earlier and modern classical music in a unique way, thus resulting in a meditative world of sounds which radiates harmony.