Since 1st October we have been waiting for everyone providing expanded services in our overhauled and renewed spaces. The new Music Space is also the venue of inspiration where you can listen to music and watch films besides the use of creative softwares and databases.
In the last few years, the habits of music listening changed radically. The
video sharing services of social media and streaming service providers became primary music sources for several people; use of CD is pushed into the background, though it was quite popular for decades. Black records (LPs) became popular again; it can be taken in hand with its nice cover - it is nostalgic as well as modern. However, CDs do not fade in popularity because numerous albums are made in this format, especially in the genres of jazz and classical music; audiofil version of the CD which is SACD provides high-resolution sound quality by the suitable disc player. Moreover, several albums mainly the ones of Hungarian light music (pop music) are not available online, they were released on CD, so you can listen to them on disc.
![Monitor billentyűzettel, Bach cd borító, fejhallgató, hifi és lemezjátszó csendélet](uploads/CHWkcDIc1rmibtx16OjCM6u9qiKUjSmv.jpg)
Our new workstations called Music Space offer not only
creative softwares and
databases but CD players and record players as well, so it is good for listening to music and watching films. You can listen to about 15 000 CDs and nearly 15 000 LPs (black records) in our library; the collection covers a wide range of genres including classical music, jazz, pop, rock, blues, metal, country, folk, soul, operetta, folk music, world music, etc. CDs can be borrowed, the loan fee is HUF 200/disc/week; besides it DVDs of music films can also be borrowed and hundreds of opera DVDs as well as any DVD of the Central Library (not only the music related ones). Black records can be listened to only in the library. Besides CDs, LPs and DVDs available on open shelves there are several ones on stocks, so, if you search for a particular performer, work, album or film, it is worth using the
catalog or asking for librarian's help.
The services of Music Space are available for all readers with a membership card in opening hours.
► The services are available maximum for four hours on one occasion.
► The services are available without making an appointment, if one of the 4 workstations is free; it is also possible to make an appointment on email address on the day before requested date at the latest.
► We provide assistance in the use of hi-fi apparatus and technical devices on demand. |
If you want to listen to a black record (LP), please push button 2; when watching DVD please push button 8; if two readers want to listen to a CD together, button 4 should be pushed. If any problems, technical malfunctions or questions raise, we are ready to help.
Now, due to pandemic situation, listening to music or watching films is possible with your own headphones taken from home, as a precaution.
Everyone is welcome.
Photo: MESZL (Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library)
Since 1st October we have been waiting for everyone providing expanded services in our overhauled and renewed spaces. The new Music Space is also the venue of inspiration, immersion and creative activity, where you can listen to music and watch films besides the use of creative softwares and databases which can support you in searching in the field of music and writing thesis. We provide assistance in the use of databases on demand.
![A Zenei Gyűjtemény 8. emeleti Music Space részlege](uploads/z4wHsUHw0T8NCPFzurQ18UCu1XmNfB-X.jpg)
► The services of Music Space are available for all readers with a membership card in opening hours.
► The services are available for maximum 4 hours on one occasion.
► The services are available without making an appointment, if one of the 4 workstations is free; it is also possible to make an appointment on email address on the day before requested date at the latest.
► We provide assistance in the use of databases on demand. |
The following databases of music issues as well as the ones containing music related information are available with a valid membership card on the computers of Music Space and by remote access from home. We also offer our guides concerning the ways of availability and use of the databases.
Oxford Music Online – the world’s premier online music encyclopedia (in English)
Help to use it: Oxford Music Online – guide of use
RILM – International literature covering music themes (articles, bibliographies, e-documents)
Help to use it: RILM - guide of use
EBSCO Discovery Service – general literature, circulation of music e-books in foreign languages
Help to use it: EBSCO Discovery Service – guide of use
Among other databases, Arcanum Digital Science Repository is available only in the library without extra subscription; it is useful for general search and research in Hungarian printed press. The full-text database providing Hungarian contents includes hundreds of domestic scientific and specialized journals, encyclopaedias, weekly and daily newspapers, reference books as well as thematic book collections from the 1800s onward.
The full list of the databases accessible on the computers of Music Space (music related ones and other databases) can be seen here.
Suggested sources available for anyone, without reader's card:
Hungarian Electronic Library - music books – index of themes
Hungarian Electronic Library - music books – detailed list
Institute for Musicology Sound Archives – interactive map
Help to use it: Sound Archives - guide of use
Internet Archive ebook circulation (Documents mainly in English)
Help to use it: Internet Archive - guide of use
Directory of Open Access Books – Freely available reference books (mainly in foreign languages)
Directory of Open Access Journals – Freely available articles of journals (mainly in foreign languages)
The music link collection on our blog is also useful: links of databases, libraries, catalogs, discographies, music journals, institutes, publishers, associations, magazines, portals...
The staff of Music Collection wait for your requests and questions in email:
Photo: MESZL
Since 1st October we have been waiting for everyone providing expanded services in our overhauled and renewed spaces. The new Music Space is also the venue of inspiration, immersion and creative activity, where you can listen to music and watch films besides the use of databases which can support you in searching in the field of music and writing thesis; in addition, creative softwares are also available. We provide assistance in the use of the softwares on demand.
![A Zenei Gyűjtemény 8. emeleti Music Space részlege](uploads/L5iK_Bi3ieJtjUOIaSnTTyI6lInNmjat.jpg)
Our goal was to develop a
software park on the four new high-power computers of
Music Space which provides opportunity to create...
It is worth mentioning that there are free open-source softwares on these computers, they are available by anyone, they are user-friendly, safe and they can be used at home as well. It is worth testing them in Music Space and you can finish the creative works either in the library or at home later on, including score editing, audio and video editing, creation of publications, pictures or graphical works.
►The services of Music Space are available for all readers with a membership card in opening hours.
► The services are available for maximum 4 hours on one occasion.
►The services are available without making an appointment, if one of the 4 workstations is free; it is also possible to make an appointment on email address on the day before requested date at the latest.
► If anyone needs personal assistance in the use of creative softwares, please write also on email address.
Now the following softwares are available at the workstations of Music Space:
Musescore is a professional score editing software. By using it musical scores and orchestral parts can be noted. It has user-friendly platform and quick work is made possible by it. Information about the use of score editing software can be found in our previous notes, and our YouTube playlist.
Audacity audio editing software easy to use; it is good for repairing, editing and mixing music materials, including post-production of concert recordings and editing of radio-broadcasting. There are a few tutorial videos concerning the software on our YouTube playlist.
Kdenlive is a free and user-friendly video editing software. Using it, you can make tutorial and demo materials as well as post-production of clips and concert recordings. Please visit our YouTube playlist, where you can find some tutorial videos.
Inkscape is vector graphical picture editing software, which can be used widely. It is good for planning logos, icons, graphics of advertisement, cartoons. It can provide assistance in the field of education in case of creation of infographics, schedules and technical illustration. Please visit our YouTube playlist where you can find some tutorial videos.
Scribus is a publication editing typographic software; by the use of the software leaflets, brochures, magazines and books can be made into the final version. There are some tutorial videos in Hungarian and English on our YouTube playlist.
GIMP is a picture editing software that can be applied widely; it provides a wide range of editing tools to users. Please visit our YouTube playlist where you can find some tutorial videos about the program.
Blender is a three-dimensional graphical program, which provides assistance in 3D modelling. There are some tutorial videos on our YouTube playlist.
Photo: MESZL