Who can be a library user?

Enrollment in the Library is possible
  • by one’s own right 
    1. or every action-capable adult Hungarian and European Union citizen;
    2. for a foreign citizen with a temporary or permanent residence permit;
    3. for a foreign citizen with a Hungarian certificate or a certificate of Hungarian kinship with terms and conditions applicable to Hungarian citizens;
  • by joint and several suretyship guaranteed by his/her official representative
    1. for every person under 18 years;
    2. for a non-actionable person or one with restricted capability of action;
  • for a foreign citizen not belonging to any of the above categories by guarantor-ship with a Hungarian citizen as his/her guarantor;
  • a legal person with a company site in Hungary or in the European Union.
    See more details in Terms of Use.

    Information related to registration

    At registration we  enter into a library user agreement with our readers. Identifying documents necessary for this are accepted only in their original forms  (identity card, driving license, passport, address card). Enrollment can be made in person, we cannot accept pre-printed and filled out copies of the library patron's and surety statements, which are listed on the website and in Terms of Use as sample documents.

    Information about discounts on registration can be found here.

    If you would like to give a library membership as a gift, you can buy a library card valid for one year or an annual pass for several libraries. Gift library cards can be purchased by paying the full price membership fee and providing the following information: name, mother's name, place and date of birth, address.

    Data protection

    Children's library card (up to the age of 10) can be used only for borrowing children’s books; so, we ask parents to enroll if they want to borrow books to themselves.

    Reader’s card cannot be assigned to others.
    Librarians, employees of museums and archives are entitled to be exempted from the payment of registration and administration fee; certificate of employment is needed to be verified.