Chart of Rates

Registration for natural and legal persons    free of charge / 12 months
Administration fee of registration reader card HUF 400 / 12 months
Administration fee of online registration for remote access to online databases HUF 1700 / 30 days
Administration fee of online registration for remote access to the e-book loan system HUF 1700 / 30 days
Administration fee of online registration for remote access simultaneously to online databases and e-book loan system HUF 3000 / 30 days
Daily card   HUF 1700 / day
Registration fees (for natural persons, see legal persons below)
in the Central Library  HUF 8100 / 12 months  
HUF 5600 / 6 months
HUF 4100 / 3 months
in the branches belonging to categories I and II*   HUF 5600 / 12 months  
HUF 4300 / 6 months
HUF 3100 / 3 months
in the branches belonging to category III** HUF 3200 / 12 months 
HUF 2300 / 6 months 
HUF 1700 / 3 months
Establishment of membership for using all branches simultaneously HUF 10000 / 12 months 
HUF 7700 / 6 months
Registration fees for legal persons The tripled rate of fees for natural persons (3/6/12 months)
Complex library service fee as per contract For individual users, equal to the fee of membership for using all branch libraries at once. When calculating the fee, legal discounts to which users are entitled must be taken into account.
*You can find further information about the discounts by clicking here
** See registration fees of the branch libraries in Appendix # 5, Terms of Use.
I. Basic services
I.1. Basic services provided only in the library as a public library
Use of the Library  free of charge
Local use of ’reference-only’ parts of collections assigned by the Library  free of charge
Use of equipment for delving into the holdings, use of OPAC in the Library by library equipment free of charge
Information on services of the Library and the library system free of charge
I.2. Use of library computers with the barcode of library card; available only for users with library memberships or daily cards! free of charge
I.3. E-mail notification sent 2 weeks before the expiration of membership free of charge
II. Services available for readers with a membership or daily card, without further charges
Loan of library documents (printed documents, slides, certain audiovisual documents); readers can borrow 18 items of different types of document altogether, in a branch library.
II.1. Books (max. 10 items) free of charge / 4 weeks
II.2. Bestsellers (max. 2 items) free of charge / 2 weeks
II.3. Loan of weeklies, periodicals (max. 10 pieces)  free of charge / 2 weeks
II.4. Loan of music sheets (max. 6 items)  free of charge / 4 weeks
II.5.  Loan of slides, filmstrips (max. 6 items) free of charge 2 weeks
II.6. Loan of CD-ROMs (max. 3 items) free of charge / disc / week
II.7. Loan of audiobook on CD - only for blind and visually impaired people (max. 6 items) free of charge / 4 weeks
II.8.  DVD – for heavily disabled people free of charge / 1 week
II.9.  Audiobook on tape (max. 6 items) free of charge / 4 weeks
II.10. Loan of videotape (VHS) (max. 3 items) free of charge / 1 week
Loan of equipment
II.11. Loan of CD-player and tape recorder for heavily disabled people free of charge / 4 weeks
Amenities related to document borrowing
II.12. Notice before the due date sent in e-mail free of charge
II.13. Warning on the 45th day after the due date sent in e-mail free of charge
II.14. Renewal of the due date  free of charge
II.15. Home delivery service of the borrowed documents for homebound people free of charge
II.16. Collecting of reserved documents from self-servicing book delivery machines (locker) in designated libraries HUF 300 / document
Use of subscribed databases
II.17. Subscribed databases - only in the Library  free of charge
II.18. Use of subscribed databases for readers with library membership - as a remote service (depending on provider’s contract)  free of charge
Use of library equipment 
II.19. Use of library computers free of charge
II.20. Use of library computers for the visually impaired (by designated computers) free of charge
II.21. Audiovisual documents used in the library by library equipment free of charge
WiFi use by own equipment
II.22. Use of WiFi for unlimited time in opening hours, in designated libraries  free of charge
IV. Other services for a fee to people with a reader card with loan privileges
Loan (other documents) 
IV.1. DVD (max. 6 items) free of charge / week
IV.2. Graphics (max. 4 pieces) HUF 450 / piece / 3 months
IV.3. Audiobooks - on CD (max. 6 items) HUF 300 / title / 4 weeks
IV.4. Educational packages (max. 2 packages)  HUF 500 / package / 4 weeks
IV.5. Music CD or pre-recorded CD (max. 6 items) free of charge / week
Other services
IV.6. Renewal of documents borrowable for a fee charge of borrowing
IV.7. Interlibrary loan between branches of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library HUF 500 / volume
IV.8. Reservation HUF 300 / volume
IV.9. Interlibrary loan  postage costs
IV.10. Use of library computers with a reader card with borrowing privileges free of charge
IV.11. User training HUF 150 / hour
IV.12. Attending library events with entrance fee as per entrance fee of event
V. Reprographic and office services for a fee to readers with library membership
V.1. Making a digital copy (scanning)
Documents belonging to the museum collection 
Technical costs of copies for public use HUF 600 / image
Downloading from the Budapest Picture Archive on the internet free of charge
In the branches
Section form books, book illustration, article HUF 50 / page
V.2. Self-service scanning with preuploaded balance (only in the Central Library and the Petőfi 200 Memorial Library of Soroksár) HUF 10 / page
V.3. Order of photocopy in black and white (only in designated libraries) A/4: HUF 45 / page 
A/3: HUF 55 / page
V.4. Lamination (A/4)  HUF 200 / sheet
V.5. Printing (only in designated branch libraries) 
In size A4
Black and white text HUF 60 / page
Text in color HUF 270 / page
Picture in black and white (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) HUF 200 / page
Picture in color (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) HUF 300 / page
In size A3
Black and white text HUF 110 / page
Text in color HUF 400 / page
Picture in black and white (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) HUF 400 / page
Picture in color (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) HUF 600 / page
IV.6. Self-service photocopy in black and white with preuploaded balance (only in the Central Library and the Petőfi 200 Memorial Library of Soroksár) A4: HUF 30 / page
A3: HUF 40 / page
V.7. Self-service photocopy and printing in color with preuploaded balance (only in the Central Library and the Petőfi 200 Memorial Library of Soroksár) A4: HUF 200 / page
A3: HUF 400 / page
V.8. Paper copy of a microfilm, in size A4 HUF 130 / page
VI. Services available free of charge, without library membership
VI.1. Programs of library use for school groups and accompanying teachers free of charge
VI.2. Library visit with the purpose of library profession  free of charge
VI.3. Visit of public library programs free of charge
VI.4. Library from Home online information service free of charge
VI.5. Information Service for Higher Education free of charge
VII. Services available for a fee, without library membership
Certain reprographic and office services (only in designated libraries)
VII.1. Making a digital copy (scanning)
Documents belonging to museum collection
Technical costs of copies for public use HUF 600 / image
Downloading from the Budapest Picture Archive on the internet free of charge
VII.2. Making a digital copy of the customer’s own document (scanning)  HUF 50 / page
VII.3. Photocopying in black and white  A/4: HUF 60 / page 
A/3: HUF 70 / page
VII.4. Lamination (A4) (only in the Library of Dagály utca) HUF 400 / page
VII.54.  Printing
In size A4
Black and white text HUF 80 / page
Text in color HUF 300 / page
Picture in black and white (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) HUF 250 / page
Picture in color (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) HUF 400 / page
In size A3
Black and white text HUF 150 / page
Text in color HUF 500 / page
Picture in black and white (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) HUF 500 / page
Picture in color (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) HUF 700 / page
Library visits for touristic purposes in the Central Library
VII.7. Guidance in Hungarian
Group guidance (minimum 10 people) HUF 1900 / person
Group guidance for students and pensioners HUF 600 / person
Group guidance for visitors with deficiency free of charge
VII.8. Guidance in foreign languages
Group guidance (minimum 10 people) HUF 2700 / person
Group guidance for visitors with deficiency free of charge
VII.9.  Individual visit, not guided (tourist ticket) HUF 1900 / person
Individual visit, not guided (tourist ticket) for children under the age of 6 free of charge
VII.10. Guide available for individual visitors HUF 5000 / occasion
VII.11. Use Wifi with own device for visitors with tourist tickets for the Central Library, during their stay free of charge
Room rental, attending events with entrance fees
VII.1. Rental of venues and rooms in the branches of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library as defined in the received quotation
VII.2. Attending of library events with entrance fees as per entrance fee of event
VIII. Remote payment
VIII.1. Remote payment free of charge
VIII.2 Payment by card (only in designated libraries) free of charge
Overdue charges
Document types Overdue charges
1. Books, music sheets HUF 70 / volume or piece / calendar day
2. Journals, slides HUF 70 /piece / calendar day
3. Educational package HUF 70 / package / calendar day
4. Audiobook (CD and tape) HUF 70 / title / calendar day
5. DVD HUF 100 / disc / calendar day
6. Music CD and pre-recorded CD, video tape, CD-ROM HUF 70 / disc or tape / calendar day
7. Music disc and tape, pre-recorded discs and tapes HUF 70 / piece / calendar day
8. CD player and tape player HUF 70 / piece / calendar day

Source: MESZL Terms of Use