How to renew due dates

Dear Readers,
You can renew the borrowed documents through the „Patron Data” menu point of our online catalogue. There you can see all documents, borrowed from any of our libraries, simultaneously.
Under the terms of the Terms of Use, the due dates of books and music scores can be renewed twice if they are not reserved and there are no dues on the membership card. The audio-visual documents (CDs, video tapes, audio tapes, DVDs and CD-ROMs) and the copies of periodicals can be renewed only once and it is considered as a re-borrowing, so you will have to pay the borrowing charge again.

Login to Patron data

How to use the program:

  • the number sequence of the barcode must be typed in the field of Patron's barcode;
  • Fill in the Password field; the default password is your date of birth, month and day typed in figures;
  • By clicking to Enter, the list of your libraries can be opened by clicking the icon on the top-right, where you can see the list of borrowed documents;
  • You have to start renewal separately by places of circulation
  • You can renew the loan time / due date of each document by clicking to Renew label next to document data. By clicking to Renew all, at the foot of the list, you can change the due dates of all the documents that can be renewed;
  • If the reader’s card is under forbidding (because of debt or because the card became due), the documents cannot be renewed. In that case, the system informs you about the unsuccessful renewal: Borrowing cannot be renewed / Renewal of the item is invalid.
  • Please, follow the system messages with your attention and check the modified due date of the renewed document before exit. It is suggested to note down the modified due dates. In case of unsuccessful / invalid renewal, if the due date of your borrowing is not modified in our system, reclamation cannot be accepted.
  • At renewal of due dates, our system sends a message to the email address preset on patron's data page in order to inform You about the time of renewal as well as the titles of the items renewed either successfully or unsuccessfully; in case of invalid renewal, its causes are also mentioned.
  • After finishing renewal, you can leave the surface of renewing through Log out menu point.
  • In libraries, internet cafes or similar public places, logging out after renewing documents is always suggested; if not, other people can see and misuse your private data.

Please send your comments concerning the use of the system to the address.


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