This article was archived on 2023. 12. 15 the pieces of information were correct when the article was published, but now they may be outdated.

Huge library sale!

The Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library holds a sale of documents disposed of from library stocks in the Central Library.

Books in rows and columns

Do you like jazz, pleasant melodies, the retro vibes? Are you planning a movie night for the weekend? Do you want to reread your favorite stories? Do you want to thumb through a dictionary or lexicon?

Come and browse through the books, CDs, DVDs, disposed of from the stocks of our libraries, and buy them for only a few hundred Forints! Our books are mostly in Hungarian but the audiovisual documents might interest you.

Location of the sale: MESZL Central Library, 1088 Budapest, Szabó Ervin sq. 1.

Time of the sale: From 4th to 15th December 2023 during opening hours of the Central Library

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