This article was archived on 2022. 12. 24 the pieces of information were correct when the article was published, but now they may be outdated.

Stairway Exhibition

Come and see our local history photographic exhibition at the library, featuring reproductions of photographs taken at the turn of the century that tell the story of Nagytétény's past.

The exhibition, located alongside the library stairs will run from 17th November until 23rd December 2022, and can be viewed during the library's opening hours.

Venue: Library of Nagytétény, 1225 Budapest, Nagytétényi út 283.

Photo about the exhibition Photo about the exhibition Photo about the exhibition Photo about the exhibition

Participation in the program organised by the library is free of charge. By visiting the program the participants acknowledge that photos/videos are taken on the programs; they can be published on the library website or Facebook site. Data management is based on voluntary consent. You can object to publication of your profile in writing.

Photos: MESZL