This article was archived on 2024. 06. 30 the pieces of information were correct when the article was published, but now they may be outdated.

"20 Years in the Context of 120 Years..."

the new library

In 2024, the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library will reach its 120th anniversary milestone, while in June of the same year, we will also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the inauguration of the new building of the Library of Rákoscsaba. On this special occasion, with the assistance of our readers, we aim to gather documents, photographs, and other material memories related to the Library of Rákoscsaba and other libraries in Rákosmente.
If any of our readers possess such items, we kindly ask that you share them with us. Your contribution will greatly assist in the development of our exhibition commemorating our 20th anniversary, whether by lending or donating them.
You can reach out to us in person at the library, via email at, or by calling us at (+36) 1 256-0819. Your inquiries and contributions are warmly welcomed.

Image: MESZL