This article was archived on 2024. 03. 03 the pieces of information were correct when the article was published, but now they may be outdated.

The Lord Mayor's Visit to the Boulevard Library

On February 8, 2024, Gergely Karácsony, the Mayor of Budapest, and Tamás Soproni, the Mayor of Terézváros, paid a visit to our library.  

On the occasion of the visit, they donated a book each to the library, which was presented to Andrea Kuczkó, the head of the library, in the presence of Dr. Péter Fodor, the Director-General. Soon, readers will find both 'The Story of the 125-year-old Vígszínház' and T. Marshall's book 'In the Captivity of Geography' available for borrowing on our shelves.

As part of the enjoyable visit, they explored the exhibition by textile artist Mariann Korényi in the event hall and familiarized themselves with the library's history, as well as its IT innovations, including the lending machine and book locker.

a látogatáson készült fényképek
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a látogatáson készült fényképek a látogatáson készült fényképek a látogatáson készült fényképek

 Photos: MESZL