Colombian Artists: An Evening with Daniela Trujillo and Alejandro Valencia

Venue: MESZL Ötpacsirta Salon, 1088 Budapest, Ötpacsirta utca 4.
Date: October 31, 2024, 6 PM
Daniela Trujillo és Alejandro Valencia
Featuring the Sfera Duo::
Daniela Trujillo (violin)
Alejandro Valencia (guitar)
José Luis Narváez: Songbook (García Lorca)
- Moors of Jaén
- Sevillian Lullaby
- The Chinitas Café
Astor Piazzolla: History of the Tango (excerpt)
- Café 1930
- Nightclub 1960
Sebastián Villanueva: Guapireña Suite
- Currulao
- Alabao
- Blue Colt
Kreshnik Aliçkaj: Viotar
Bence Kutrik: Love Illusions
- If You Don't Hug Me
- I Wait for You
- Intermezzo –  Lay Now Your Hand
- Loving Outburst
Máté Hollós: Guitar Duo
Marek Pasieczny: The House Where Fear Lives (Homage to Joaquín Rodrigo)
- Adagio, Misterioso et Spaventare
- Allegro Sereno con Giocoso
Alejandro Valencia: Based on Ennio Morricone's For a Few Dollars More
The Colombian Sfera Duo was founded in 2019 by violinist Daniela Trujillo and guitarist Alejandro Valencia. Their passion and enthusiasm for chamber music continuously inspire them in their interpretive exploration, as they strive to integrate both traditional and contemporary repertoire. The duo persistently seeks works written specifically for violin and guitar, while also composing new pieces and reworking music originally composed for other formats. Their successful performances at major festivals and concerts have opened up new opportunities, leading to a new season that includes both artistic and educational activities. In 2024, their program will feature performances in Colombia’s most important cities, as well as their first European tour with key destinations in Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Hungary, and Austria. Additionally, they are set to release their first album, showcasing works by contemporary composers from Colombia, Canada, Poland, Hungary, and Albania.
Admission is free, but pre-registration is required. To register, kindly send an email to or call (06-1) 411-5011, specifying the number of participants. A confirmation of your registration will be sent to you. If you are unable to attend, please notify us via email. Data management information related to programs requiring registration can be accessed by clicking here. If you wish to object to the publication of your profile, please submit a written request.
Photo: The Performers