Printing is available only in designated libraries, without library membership as well.
The fee of the service:
- with library membership:
In size A4
Black and white text : HUF 60/page
Text in color: HUF 270/page
Picture in black and white (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) : HUF 200/page
Picture in color (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent): HUF 300/page
In size A3
Black and white text : HUF 110/page
Text in color: HUF 400/page
Picture in black and white (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) : HUF 400/page
Picture in color (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent): HUF 600/page
- without library membership:
In size A4
Black and white text : HUF 80/page
Text in color: HUF 300/page
Picture in black and white (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) : HUF 250/page
Picture in color (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent): HUF 400/page
In size A3
Black and white text : HUF 150/page
Text in color: HUF 500/page
Picture in black and white (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent) : HUF 500/page
Picture in color (the picture of the printed surface is at least 50 percent): HUF 700/page
The fees of the service can be seen in the list of rates and Appendix #7 of Terms of Use.