Book Launch of Budapest: A Critcal Guide, 10th Edition

A Critical Gaude

The four-part English-speaking series of the Library in the Boulevard („Hidden Secrets of Budapest”) came to an end on 25 November, with the book launch of the lecturer, András Török. His Budapest: A Critical Guide was published for the first time 35 years ago.

A Critical Gaude

The slide show and the narration talked about the birth of the idea, and the vast changes of the city, and consequently of the book. The author has also changed a lot.

He talked about a Vienna bookshop, where his idea was born, and why he did not write an alternative type guidebook – rather, an „insider guide” instead. This kind mixes hard facts with memories of the author. Initially, he did not include photos, as colour photos tend to lie. Only maps, by his friend András Felvidéki (revised by Dóra Gráf in the present edition.) Little by little, photos appeared in the book, first old ones, then recent ones, by the author.

A Critical Gaude

One of the last slides showed page 276, which, to he amazement of the library staff, introduced the Library on the Boulevard itself. „(...) Downstairs there is a lovely events room, where elderly visitors can descend by an elevator. In the afternoon there are events almost every day. And exhibitions (photos, cartoons, once a year even statues; you are always welcome to see that). Occasionally there are English speaking events. You can be a non-borrowing member for a euro. That provides free wifi as well. To the right of the entrance there is a lobby part, where homeless people are tolerated, if they obey certain rules. All in all, it is a very friendly space, where Budapest can show its best face to serious travellers, like you, my Gentle Reader.”

A Critical Gaude

The event was well attended, many of the listeners bought a copy on the spot and asked the author to autography it.

Photo: MESZL


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