Membership discounts:

Free membership and registration for:
  • persons under the age of 25 (Act XXX, 2024);
  • persons above the age of 70 (Act CXL, 1997);
  • librarians, (Government Decree 6/2001 (01.17)) and retired persons of FSZEK;
  • employees of museums and archives, (Government Decree 6/2001 (01.17));
  • persons with grave disabilities (blind, visually impaired, deaf, handicapped) proving their eligibility with the membership card of the representative associations and/or MÁK card (card issued by the State Treasury of Hungary).
50% discount on membership fee:
  • to pupils and students with Hungarian or international student permit in case of those with valid Hungarian or European Union citizenship, to students with international student permit if they are without European Union citizenship (Government Decree 6/2001. (01.17.);
  • pensioners under the age of 70;
  • to persons receiving regular social benefits from the municipality;
  • persons who get childcare benefit (GYED);
  • persons who get childcare allowance (GYES), persons who get child-rearing support (GYET), persons who get baby-care allowance (CSED);
  • to persons whose illnesses covered by Government Decree 335/2009. (XII.29.), with a doctor’s certificate.
Membership discounts for certain libraries:
  • Persons with permanent residence or temporary residence in 7th District, or employees of budgetary authorities maintained by the Erzsébetváros Municipality are eligible for 50% discount on fees for memberships, library passes or administration of registration card in the Central Library, Deák Ferenc Library and Boulevard Library.
  • Persons between the age of 62 and 70, with permanent or temporary residence in 6th District of Budapest are eligible to register a membership or registration card free of charge in Boulevard Library.
Documentation has to be provided for eligibility for free memberships or membership discounts.

Source: Terms of Use