Miklós Szántó (1916-2015)
Reorganization of Hungarian sociology
Tiny parts of memoirs by Miklós Szántó about the beginnings of reorganization of Hungarian sociology
(Életutam hét rendszerváltáson át. [Budapest] : Glória, 2006. p. 398-428)
Some days before Christmas József Szigeti, director of the Institute of Philosophy (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) invited me to discuss a new project: Could I undertake to organize, set up and lead a new sociological section (department)? The main points he said during the discussion showed a great challenge; an exciting task was outlined. I couldn't say no ( I couldn't resist), so I said yes. I began reading in order to familiarize myself with this complicated social science which was cursed so far. The period I spent for Pest Megyei Hírlap ended on 28th February 1960 and I started working for Magyar Hírek, it was the period of 25 years and also my career as a sociologist - researcher.
I admit that when I started the dual tasks, parallelly, I could not measure the importance and real effect of the tasks; closely integrated with each other. Actually, I worked as the chief editor ofMagyar Hírek , the leader of sociological department located in the Institute of Philosophy and a leader of World Federation of Hungarians; I was a theoretical expert of emigration policy.
(I jumped in at the deep end, actually.) It turned out soon that there are many vortexes in case of the so called emigration policy, we had to discover by scrutinizing that area. It was a real challenge for me, I threw myself into the tasks facing the challenges.
It was similar in the case of sociology. When I began dealing with it, I knew quite little about this branch of social sciences. I learned everything I could along the way; acquirements covered the participants of this branch of social sciences, international and Hungarian conditionalities, abstracts and methods. I began my researches, and soon I found myself in the heart of heavy conflicts and intrigues, besides the puzzles of theoretical and practical questions.
Going on with sociology, the section (with 2 colleagues) surveyed who dealt with sociological issues and where. As a result, a nation-wide sociological conference was held, full of debates and questions: Is sociology a special science? To what extent? What is its relation to historical materialism? It was hard to find the right way in the heart of heavy conflicts when reformers clashed with conservative dogmatists. Actually, I was going on undermined zones including both emigration policy and sociology. A question was raised concerning the future of the department (section) and the rationale for its operation in the organization of the Institute.
After several discussions and debates the Sociological Committee of the Academy was established and a team was working as a panel in the committee. The section worked within the organization of the Institute; the studies and essays were published in the periodicalFilozófiai Szemle , I was in charge of the publication..
The regime wanted to seize the opportunity to have western relations and sociology was a good field to reach the goal...
New beginnings were shown well by the fact that the American sociologistC. Wright Mills became known among the members of the public life of Hungarian social sciences. My colleague Mária Márkus wrote a great article about his ideas in Filozófiai Szemle edited by me and his book titled The Power Elite was published in Hungarian by Gondolat Publisher; it became quite successful. More periodicals and journals also made (information) public concerning the importance of his idea called "sociological imagination".
In addition, the famous work byZ. Baumann titled "Questions of Modern American Sociology" (published in Warsaw in 1961) was reviewed in details in the periodical Filozófiai Szemle , presenting the idea of social criticism.
Another step towards opening was the active participation of Hungarian sociology on the World Congress of ISA held inWashington ; Erik Molnár , president of the Committee and József Szigeti director of Institute of Philosophy went to take part on the event.
The next 8 years were quite exciting for me and for Hungarian sociology as well. The Research team was formed within the frame of the department; I had new conditions and new challenges... My relation network I had earlier remained; I was the member of the Sociological Committee of the Academy, I kept supervising the edition of sociology related writings ofFilozófiai Szemle .
Interest in sociology (sociological ideas) was growing among professionals and young researchers in Hungary.
By the way, researchers. The Research team of the department was a really good community; most members got a new chance, received a new career by working there. They could use his earlier abilities in the new field, they had a chance to seize the opportunity to work well and have a relatively good life due to solidarity, among others.
Reorganization of Hungarian sociology
Tiny parts of memoirs by Miklós Szántó about the beginnings of reorganization of Hungarian sociology
(Életutam hét rendszerváltáson át. [Budapest] : Glória, 2006. p. 398-428)
Some days before Christmas József Szigeti, director of the Institute of Philosophy (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) invited me to discuss a new project: Could I undertake to organize, set up and lead a new sociological section (department)? The main points he said during the discussion showed a great challenge; an exciting task was outlined. I couldn't say no ( I couldn't resist), so I said yes. I began reading in order to familiarize myself with this complicated social science which was cursed so far. The period I spent for Pest Megyei Hírlap ended on 28th February 1960 and I started working for Magyar Hírek, it was the period of 25 years and also my career as a sociologist - researcher.
I admit that when I started the dual tasks, parallelly, I could not measure the importance and real effect of the tasks; closely integrated with each other. Actually, I worked as the chief editor of
(I jumped in at the deep end, actually.) It turned out soon that there are many vortexes in case of the so called emigration policy, we had to discover by scrutinizing that area. It was a real challenge for me, I threw myself into the tasks facing the challenges.
It was similar in the case of sociology. When I began dealing with it, I knew quite little about this branch of social sciences. I learned everything I could along the way; acquirements covered the participants of this branch of social sciences, international and Hungarian conditionalities, abstracts and methods. I began my researches, and soon I found myself in the heart of heavy conflicts and intrigues, besides the puzzles of theoretical and practical questions.
Going on with sociology, the section (with 2 colleagues) surveyed who dealt with sociological issues and where. As a result, a nation-wide sociological conference was held, full of debates and questions: Is sociology a special science? To what extent? What is its relation to historical materialism? It was hard to find the right way in the heart of heavy conflicts when reformers clashed with conservative dogmatists. Actually, I was going on undermined zones including both emigration policy and sociology. A question was raised concerning the future of the department (section) and the rationale for its operation in the organization of the Institute.
After several discussions and debates the Sociological Committee of the Academy was established and a team was working as a panel in the committee. The section worked within the organization of the Institute; the studies and essays were published in the periodical
The regime wanted to seize the opportunity to have western relations and sociology was a good field to reach the goal...
New beginnings were shown well by the fact that the American sociologist
In addition, the famous work by
Another step towards opening was the active participation of Hungarian sociology on the World Congress of ISA held in
The next 8 years were quite exciting for me and for Hungarian sociology as well. The Research team was formed within the frame of the department; I had new conditions and new challenges... My relation network I had earlier remained; I was the member of the Sociological Committee of the Academy, I kept supervising the edition of sociology related writings of
Interest in sociology (sociological ideas) was growing among professionals and young researchers in Hungary.
By the way, researchers. The Research team of the department was a really good community; most members got a new chance, received a new career by working there. They could use his earlier abilities in the new field, they had a chance to seize the opportunity to work well and have a relatively good life due to solidarity, among others.
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