Árpád  Skrabski  (1939-2009)

His writings in foreign languages

Kopp, M., Stauder, A., Purebl, G., Jansky, I., Skrabski, Á: Work stress and mental health in a changing society = European Journal of Public Health 18., 2008. 3. (238-244.)

Mária S. Kopp, Árpád Skrabski [et al.]: Chronic Stress and Social Changes, Socioeconomic Determination of Chronic Stress = Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007. 1113. (325-338.) 

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., [et al.]: Psychosocial determinants of premature cardiovascular mortality differences within Hungary = J. Epidemiol Commun H, 60., 2006. (782-788.) 

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á: The significance of health psychology approach in transforming societies = European Health Psychologist, 3, 2006., 7-9.(7-10.)

Skrabski, Á., Kopp, M., Rozsa, S: Life meaning: an important correlate of health in the Hungarian population = Int J. Behav Med, 12., 2005. (78-85.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Kawachi, I., Adler, N. E: Low socioeconomic status of the opposite sex is a risk factor for middle aged mortality = Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 59., 2005. (675-678.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á. [et al.]: Self-rated health, subjective social status, and middle-aged mortality in a changing society = Behavioral Medicine, 30, 2004. (65-70.)

Skrabski, Á., Kopp, M., Kawachi, I:
Social capital and collective efficacy in Hungary: cross-sectional associations with middle aged female and male mortality rates = Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 58., 4, 2004. (340-345.)

Skrabski, Á., Kopp, M., Kawachi, I: Social capital in a changing society: cross sectional associations with middle aged female and male mortality. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 57., 2003. (114-119.)

Skrabski, Á.: Social capital and middle-aged mortality = Demografia 96., 2003. 1. (95-109.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: Social and ethical capital of the Hungarians = Valóság 45., 2002. 9. (11-19.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: Gender differences in psychosocial determinants of middle aged mortality in a changing society = Psychosom Med 64, 2002. (147.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: Socio-economic and psychosocial determinants of middle aged mortality in a changing society =Italian Heart Journal 3, 2002.Suppl 1, (52.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Szűcs, L.: Social environment and mental health in a changing society = Int J. Behav Med, 9, 2002., Suppl 1, (151.)

Skrabski, Á., Kopp, M., Szűcs, L.: Social capital, income inequality and depression in a changing society, Social environment and mental health in a changing society = J. Behav Med., 9, 2002., Suppl 1.( 253 )

Mária S. Kopp, Árpád Skrabski, András Székely: Risk Factors, Inequality, Self-reported Morbidity and Mortality (p. 101-113.) In: A Changing Society Heart Disease: Environment, Stress, and Gender In:G. Weidner, M. Kopp- M. Kristenson (Eds.) IOS Press, 2002.

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Szedmák, S.: The influence of societal structure on depressive symptomatology and morbidity in the Hungarian population, ( p. 207-221. ) In: The Practice of Social Influence in Multiple Cultures, eds: Wosinska,W. [et al.] Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001.

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Székely, A.: Health behavior, inequalities and gender differences in relation to self-reported morbidity in a changing society = Psychosom Med, 63, 2001. 1. (93 )

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: Psychosocial risk factors, inequality and self-rated morbidity in a changing society = Social Science and Medicine, 51, 2000.,9. (1351.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Szedmák S., et. al: Health crisis in Russia and Eastern Europe = Social Science and Medicine 51., 2000., 9. (1283-1435.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Szedmák, S.: Self-rated health and social transition (85-102. p.). In: Self-Rated Health in a European Perspective, (Eds. Nilson P. Orth-Gomer K) FRN, Stockholm, 2000.

Skrabski, Á., Kopp, M.: Mortality rate in relation to social capital in Hungary = Psychosomatic Medicine, 62, 2000, 1. (119.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Loke, J., Szedmák, S.: The Hungarian state of mind in a transforming society, p. (117-134.) In J.. Speder (ed.), Hungary in Flux: Society, Politics and Transformation. Hamburg: Kraemer, 1999.

Kopp, M., Szedmák, S., Skrabski, Á.: Socioeconomic differences and psychosocial aspects of stress in a changing society = Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 851., 1998. (538-543.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Szedmák, S.: Why do women suffer more and live longer? = Psychosomatic Medicine, 60, 1998., 1. (103.)

Mária Kopp,  Árpád Skrabski,  Sándor Szedmák: Depressive Symptomatology and Vital Exhaustion Are Differentially Related to Behavioural Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease = Psychosomatic Medicine 60, 1998. (752-758.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: Behavioural Sciences Applied to a Changing Society, Bibl. Septem Artium Liberalium, Budapest, 1996.

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: Behavioural sciences applied to a changing society. - [Zsámbék] : [Zsámbéki Katolikus Tanítóképző Főiskola], [1996]. - 232 p.

Steptoe, A., Wardle, J., Smith, H., Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Vinck, J., et al.: Tobacco smoking in young adults from 21 European countries: association with attitudes and risk awareness = Addiction, 90.,1995., 4. (571-582.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: La Medicine psychosomatique en Hongrie aujourdhui = Medicine et Hygiene, 53, 1995. (954-958.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Szedmák, S: Socioeconomic factors, severity of depressive symptomatology and sickness absence rate in the Hungarian population = J Psychosom Res, 39., 1995. (1019-1029.)

Skrabski, Á., Kopp, M.: Health behaviour, psychiatric symptoms and psychosocial background factors. Swiss Monographs in Psychology, 2, 21-27 Serie: Psychology and Promotion of Health (Ed: J. P. Douwalder) Hogrefe and Huber Publ, 1994.

Mária Kopp, Árpád Skrabski: Psychologische und psychosoziale Hintergrundfraktoren bei 16- bis 20jährigen Ungarn mit einem oder mehreren Suizidversuchen = Suizidprophylaxe 21. 1995. 4. (153-160.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: The Hungarian Mind. Budapest. Vegeken, 1992.

Kopp, M., Skrabski Á.: Needs, decrease of ability to work and disorders of social adaptation = Research Review of Hungarian Social Sciences Granted by Government 1989. 1. (71-88.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: What does the legacy of Hans Selye and Franz Alexander mean today? (The psychophysiological approach in medical practice) = Internat. J. Psychophsiology, 8, 1989. (99-105.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á., Magyar, I.: Neurotics at risk and suicidal behaviour in the Hungarian population = Acta Psychiatr. Scand. 76, 1987. (406-413.)

Kopp, M., Skrabski, Á.: Clinical epidemiological investigation of the relationship between hypertension and the social environment among Hungarian coal miners = Transactions of European Soc. of Cardiology, 1979. 1, 2, (21- 23.)


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