Dénes Némedi (1942-2010)
Dénes Némedi, born on 23 August, 1942, Debrecen, Hungary
Permanent Address: 2132 Göd, Ezerjó utca 2. Phone: (036)27 - 333892
Office Address: Institute of Sociology, Eötvös University of Budapest, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a.
Education and academic degrees
1996 "Doctor of the sciences" degree, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1982 "Candidate of the sciences" degree, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1972 Ph.D. Kossuth University of Debrecen
1965 M.A. in history, Kossuth University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities
1960 graduation, Dobó István High School, Eger
Work experience
2001– professor at the Institute of Sociology, Eötvös University of Budapest
2000– Director of the Sociology PHD Program of Eötvös University of Budapest
1994–1996 Director of the Institute of Sociology, Eötvös University of Budapest
1992–1994 Head of the Chair of History of Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Eötvös University of Budapest
1988–1991 Deputy Director, Institute of Sociology, Eötvös University of Budapest
1985– senior lecturer in the history of sociology, Institute of Sociology, Eötvös University of Budapest
1980–1985 junior lecturer in the history of sociology, Institute of Sociology, Eötvös University of Budapest
1973–1980 research associate, Institute of Sociology, Eötvös University of Budapest
1967–1973 junior lecturer in philosophy, Institut of Marxism, Medical School of Debrecen
1965–1967 high school teacher of history, Kossuth High School, Debrecen
Professional activities
2003 visiting scholar at Yale University, New Haven, USA
2002 visiting lecturer at University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Romania
1999 visiting lecturer at University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Romania
1995 visiting lecturer at the University Paris VII
1994 visiting scholar at Freie Universität, Berlin
1991–1992 visting scholar at EHESS, Paris
1989 visiting lecturer at the EHESS, Paris
Membership and Activities in Professional Associations
2009 President of the Hungarian Sociological Association
2008 Vice-President of the Hungarian Sociological Association
1997 President of the Hungarian Sociological Association
1996 Vice-President of the Hungarian Sociological Association
1996–1999 President of the Committee of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1995– Member of the Social Science Committee, National Scientific Research Foundation
1994–1998 Editor in chief of Szociológiai Szemle (Review of Sociology)
Member of the International Sociological Association
Member of the Research Committee on the History of Sociology of the ISA
Member of the Hungarian Sociological Association
Knowledge of Languages
German excellent in reading, writing and speaking
English excellent in reading, good in writing and speaking
French excellent in reading, good in speaking, fair in writing
Russian good in reading, fair in speaking and poor in writing
Research interests
History of sociology
Problems of sociology of knowledge
Transformations of the Hungarian public sphere
Discourse analysis
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