Mária Kopp  (1942-2012)

"The most general principle is that the experience of learned resourcefulness, learned optimism has to be acquired in childhood instead of learned helplessness; its basic criteria are the experience and ability of reliance and co-operation.  (Seligman, 2004)  This psychological resilience is the basic criterium of the positive quality of life and important health protecting factors at the same time.  To strengthen the social capital - it should be the basic goal, including  co-operation, reliance, mutuality, volunteer organization because it is the  basic criterium of  the improvement of both the quality of life and  health."  (Mária Kopp,  Tamás MartosSource)


A selection of her full-text essays available online
Biography in Wikipedia
Books by Mária Kopp in MESZL
Obituaries - Ferenc Túry and Fruzsina Skrabski


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