Géza Féja (1900-1978)

Életrajz (Biography) (Source: MEK) 
Géza Féja; bibliography: 1919 - 1992 (Source: MEK)
Géza Féja: A Galamb papné = Nyugat ·1924 ·4.
Photos (Google)
Válogatott művei (His selected works)


Sociology Collection

1088 Budapest, Szabó Ervin tér 1.
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Opening hours
    Today 10:00-20:00
    Tomorrow: Closed-Closed

E-mail: szociologia@fszek.hu
Phone number:
(1) 411-5031
Manager: Kerékgyártó Ágnes
Head of department

Registration for natural and legal persons:
free of charge / 12 months
Administration fee of registration reader card:
HUF 400 / 12 months

Daily card: HUF 1700 / day

Borrowing privileges in one library:
HUF 8100 / 12 months
HUF 5600 / 6 months
HUF 4100 / 3 months

Establishment of membership for using all branches simultaneously:
HUF 10000 / 12 months
HUF 7700 / 6 months

