Collection of sexology in Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library

In 2016  Dr. Vilmos Szilágyi sexual psychologist offered his Book collection on sexology to our library. The collection of more than 500 books including Hungarian and foreign works covers specialized literature of sexuality, sexual education, knowledge diffusion, genders and therapy; the collection also includes albums and works of belles-lettres.

Though sociology themed works and studies dealing with sexual behaviour (attitude) and the relation between man and woman are indexed within the frame of Bibliography of the literature of Hungarian sociology by the library catalogue and they are made retraceable by subject words, the donation by Vilmos Szilágyi approaches the subject in a more diverse way; it is not collected systematically by any of the libraries in Hungary.
The processing of the whole book donation is going on.

Collection of sexology can be searched  in the catalogue on the following way:  Call-number: NGY%

Dr. Vilmos Szilágyi is the editor of website, which provides introductory knowledge in the field of the subject covering Hungarian and foreign specialized literature, several full-text documents are available, such as the works by Vilmos Szilágyi, among others.

Nemiségünk:  sorsunk alapköve (2013)
Nemiségtudomány - és a magyar valóság (2012)
A nemek viszonyának jövője (2010)
Szexuálpszichológia tankönyv (2006)
Szexuálpedagógia tankönyv (2006)
A szexuálpszichológus válaszol (2004)


Sociology Collection

1088 Budapest, Szabó Ervin tér 1.
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    Today Closed-Closed
    Tomorrow: Closed-Closed

Phone number:
(1) 411-5031
Manager: Kerékgyártó Ágnes
Head of department

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HUF 7800 / 12 months
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