Arcanum Digital Science Repository (Arcanum Digitheca) / ADT Plus
The database providing Hungarian contents includes hundreds of domestic scientific and specialized journals, encyclopaedias (with well-established reputation), weekly and daily newspapers published before WWII, yearbooks and reference books (among others), mainly in the fields of social sciences.
The database is one of the biggest online collection of Hungarikums of 19th-20th centuries; it is an important scientific and source database of Hungarian cultural, social and economic history, steadily enlarging and accessible via Internet.
Digital contents are stored and shown in PDF format, so users can see the authentic page image (view) of the original document.
It provides the service of full-text search, so you can acquire the required information conveniently.
Search and the list of hits can be narrowed to show a publication, subject or year.
Boolean operators can be used for searching more words, as a complex search, and INDEX function can also be used; it shows the list of all words of the database.
The result of search can be seen in a list of hits, together with short contexts, the hits are highlighted in the text.
It is important to mention that the exact page references are always available, so paper-based version can be replaced well by digital text in every respect.
It is available in all libraries of our system; it is NOT available by remote access, neither for those who have a membership card authorizing to borrow.
Publications of social sciences, non-exhaustive list:
Értekezések a Filozófia és a Társadalmi Tudományok Köréből 1911-1948
Értekezések a nemzetgazdaság és statisztika köréből 1882-1944
Értekezések a társadalmi tudományok köréből 1867-1915
Huszadik Század 1900-1949
Info-Társadalomtudomány 1987-2002
Jel-Kép 1980-2011
Pszichológia 1981-2007
Pszichológiai tanulmányok 1958-1986
Szociológiai Szemle 1991 – 2000
Szociológia 1972-1990
Szociálpolitikai Értesítő 1983 – 1995
Statisztikai Közlemények 1861-1864
Statisztikai és Nemzetgazdasági Közlemények 1865-1872
Társadalmi Szemle 1931-1998
Társadalomkutatás 1983-1999
Társadalomtudományi Közlemények 1972-1991
The detailed list can be found here.
Availability: all libraries
Registration for natural and legal persons:
free of charge / 12 months
Administration fee of registration reader card:
HUF 400 / 12 months
Daily card: HUF 1700 / day
Borrowing privileges in one library:
HUF 8100 / 12 months
HUF 5600 / 6 months
HUF 4100 / 3 months
Establishment of membership for using all branches simultaneously:
HUF 10000 / 12 months
HUF 7700 / 6 months