My Library project
The „Museum and library developments for everyone” programme (EFOP-3.3.3-VEKOP/16-2016-000001) had a nationwide library project called „My library”.
- to support development of reading culture;
- to transmit digital literacy;
- to focus on individual and community learning;
- to improve library use and information searching;
- to support and improve text comprehension (reading comprehension) including digital text comprehension.

The project was implemented by Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library as a consortium partner with the co-operation of 19 county libraries, Library Institute of National Széchényi Library, National Educational Library and Museum and professional library organizations within the period of 1 February 2017 and 31 January 2020.
The main objective of the programme, connecting to other projects of Human Resource Development Operational Programme was to improve the national library system.
Within the framework of the „My library” project, the development of library services concerning the efficiency of public education, new types of skills and competency development and support of learning were put into practice. In addition, a nationwide consulting system of 40 (competent) people was established and operated. The project covered the followings:
- to support development of reading culture;
- to transmit digital literacy;
- to focus on individual and community learning;
- to improve library use and information searching;
- to support and improve text comprehension (reading comprehension) including digital text comprehension.
The professional goals and indicators included in Feasibility Study were fulfilled completely.
Main data:
Main data:
Code number of the project: EFOP-3.3.3- VEKOP-16- 2016-00001
Initiator: Ministry of Human Resources
Consortium leader: Hungarian Open Air Museum
Consortium Partner: Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library
Measure of support: HUF, including HUF to support library development.
Period of realization: 1 February 2017 - 31 January 2020
- Address:
1088 Budapest, Szabó Ervin tér 1. - Phone:
(+36-1) 411-5000 - E-mail: - Director General:
Ágnes Kovácsné Koreny
Professional biography -