Our games and quizzes
Our annual games and quizzes are organized mainly for pupils and senior classes of primary school, however, games and quizzes are also made for secondary school students, sometimes. Both individual players (participants) and groups are invited. During the programmes we read and discuss contemporary juvenile literature and we enrich the programmes (and make them more colorful) with numerous games based on experiential education. In addition, participants get creative tasks as "homeworks" which are related to the literary work being in focus.
Photos: Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library (MESZL)
Registration: Lilla Varga vargal@fszek.hu
Our annual games and quizzes are organized mainly for pupils and senior classes of primary school, however, games and quizzes are also made for secondary school students, sometimes. Both individual players (participants) and groups are invited. During the programmes we read and discuss contemporary juvenile literature and we enrich the programmes (and make them more colorful) with numerous games based on experiential education. In addition, participants get creative tasks as "homeworks" which are related to the literary work being in focus.
Photos: Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library (MESZL)
Registration: Lilla Varga vargal@fszek.hu
A secret door to the past - The mystery of the ancient plane tree
- Titkos ajtó a múltba - Az ősöreg platánfa rejtélye
- Mindegy, mennyit olvasol, olvass minden nap! Olvasmányajánló és játék.
- Állj mellém! - kaland a Pantherán 2019-2020
Stand by me! – adventure on Panthera
A game by the Library of Üllői út organized for children aged 8-14 from October 2019 to October 2020.
Unfortunately, the last meeting of our game was cancelled because of pandemic situation, but it was replaced by an online meeting on 8th October 2020. So, we could meet Erzsi Kertész, the author of Panthera novel series. The game was built on the first part of the series (In the captivity of Snow globe); we had a lot of questions to the author.
Thanks to Erzsi Kertész for the memorable meeting and the adventurous novels; thanks to all who took part in the game and played with enthusiasm all year round; thanks to the teachers, Aunt Ildi, Aunt Szilvi and Aunt Marcsi, for their attention and care, patience and organization; last but not least, thanks to schools for the provision of technical background of the last meeting.
This video summarizes what happened in the course of the game.
The announcement and invitation for the game:
Are you longing for excitement? Do you want to be the member of a good team?
Are you interested in mountaineering and nature or not so much?
Let's search for the secrets of the panther-shaped mountain.
Be a professional survivor!
You can register to take part in the game either individually or in a team.
(The team should include 3-4 participants.)
You can register before 19 October 2019.
Please write to the following email address: vargal@fszek.hu
24 October 2019 (Thursday) 5.00 PM
Team building, climbing in head, pitfallsHome mission: to build the model of the mountain
This year the exciting novel titled Panthera written by Erzsi Kertész is portrayed within the frame of our game. The first meeting was really mysterious and funny (at the same time), just like at a campfire. Team-work is in the center of the game, the main point is that every player can find its place and role during the meeting. Players set up tents, broke camps, packed up to go for a one-week forest tour by imagination, wrote stories about some pictures and felt their ways in the dark (or we can say they shot in the dark), with their fellows' prompting.
Thanks to the parents and teachers for their attention, assistance, patience and encouragement; see You on 28th November! :)28 November 2019 (Thursday) 5.00 PM
Dangers, treasures, council of war, night watch
Home mission: "silence pebble"
The second meeting of our game focused on weird forest noises, the mysterious sounds of night watch, our justifiable and groundless fears, however, we had fun as well. As a starting relaxation, we tried to identify peculiar sounds of nature, full of jocundity.
Then the teams wrote inner monologues within the frame of the game, focusing on the fears of night watch; they were really creepy. Finally, we found akarit crystal by a jigsaw puzzle and books, that was the "silence pebble". A lot of Panthera-models were made and taken to the meeting.
Thanks to all for the ideas and products. Read the novel and we will meet in January.
9 January 2020 (Thursday) 5.00 PM
Jackals, replanning, Nemereszt (being held captive)
Home mission: presentation - high mountainsThe main question of the third meeting was the issue of the snow globe. How can the snow globe contain a mountain and nearly 40 players altogether? It turned out on the third meeting of the game based on Panthera - In the captivity of Snow globe written by Erzsi Kertész, analysed and portrayed by us. The third meeting also covered drawing portrait of one another linked with a funny activity; we also acted two chapters of the novel with the great variety of gestures, just like in a silent film. In addition, beautiful and extraordinary "silence pebbles" were made; they have special material in the book, that is akarit crystal which has great importance in the novel.
Next time we will climb the mountain.6 February 2020 (Thursday) 5.00 PM
The accident, on the peak, under the mountain
Home mission: favourite scene (with puppets or personal acting / film or performance)Our last but one meeting started at the campfire, traditionally. We recalled what happened in the novel up to the scenes at the cave, then those who brought akarit crystals even more told how they grew. They became really nice pieces.
As a preparation to the adventure of mountaineering, all teams showed their presentations related to mountains; they presented numerous interesting and useful pieces of information within the frame of 11 lectures. Finally, a game was organized; all members of the teams were needed to take part in the game - to help stuffed animals with getting up the mountain - that meant to reach the top of the tables. The players realized that everyone had to concentrate, otherwise the stuffed animals could not reach the top.
We warmly welcome Erzsi Kertész, the author of the novel Panthera - In the captivity of Snow globe to the last meeting of our one-year-long game.
Naturally, all who are interested in the game and the novel are also welcome to our last meeting.8 October 2020 (Thursday) 3.00 PM
We meet the writer Erzsi Kertész
The last meeting of our one-year-long game (2019–2020) was cancelled unfortunately due to pandemia, but it was replaced by an online meeting on 8th October 2020 (Thursday) at 3.00 PM; you could get more information about it on vargal@fszek.hu address. We had plenty of questions to the author and we could discuss them within the frame of the online conversation.
Thanks to Erzsi Kertész for the memorable meeting and the adventurous novels; thanks to all who took part in the game and played with enthusiasm all year round; thanks to the teachers, Aunt Ildi, Aunt Szilvi and Aunt Marcsi, for their attention and care, patience and organization; last but not least, thanks to schools for the provision of technical background of the last meeting.
The work that provided the scene to our game:
Panthera - In the captivity of Snow globe by Erzsi Kertész
Library of Üllői út, Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library
1191 Budapest, Üllői út 255.Phone: +36-1-281-1163 - A köddé vált kódex - Játék a titkok könyvtárában 4 éves kortól mindenkinek 2019 júniusától szeptemberéig
- Az a rozsdás körző! - Időfutárok akcióban 2018-2019
Those rusty compasses! – Time couriers in action
Our game series of 2018–2019 was organized to students of upper classes (aged 10-14); the scenes and main characters of the first volume of Time courier - written on the basis of the popular radio series - were in focus.
Do you know the Time courier series? If yes, or not, play with us. Cipher out the mystery of compasses, come and be with us on an adventure in the sewerage system of Buda, make quaint apparatuses, look for the treasures of the Jacobins together. Prepare to the most exciting adventure.
You can register to take part in the game either individually or in a team.
(The team should include 3-4 participants.)
You can register before 13 October 2018.
Please write to the following email address: vargal@fszek.hu
Our game series of 2018–2019 was organized to students of upper classes (aged 10-14); the scenes and main characters of the first volume of Time courier - written on the basis of the popular radio series - were in focus.
16 October 2018 (Tuesday) 5 pm: The scavenger and the odd-eyed man
On our first meeting we acquired information about the scenes (and main characters) of the first part of Time courier; we made time travel by Hungaricana and Google Maps, we were skyping, we compared the old map of Selmecbánya to the present one, we came to know a few important historic figures of Jacobite movement and freemasonry; we drew caricature and dressed up as characters of the novel.
20 November 2018 (Tuesday) 5 pm: The intrepid detective office and a crash course of history
On the second meeting of the game based on Time courier series the teams acted the first scene of The Magic Flute by Mozart, we made (or rather say compiled) a fashion magazine of the clothes of the 1700s, we came to know the leaders of Hungarian Jacobite movement and explored Vérmező (a lush green park located on Castle Hill in District I) where the reformers were executed. We used skype as the characters of the novel did. All teams were quite skilful.
15 January 2019 (Tuesday) 5 pm: Visit in the archives of Vienna; secret of the briefcase
Within the frame of the third meeting of the game based on Time courier series the teams brought some pieces of costume design and scenery design concerning the modern adaptation of The Magic Flute as well as the adaptation of the age. The life and works of the mining engineer and naturalist Ignác Born were explored (and searched) by the teams in the library collection and on the internet, similarly to two protagonists of the novel, Hanna and Ervin who searched for his life-work in the archives of Natural History Museum Vienna.
The mineral bornit was named after Ignác Born who was a significant member of the mining academy of Selmecbánya and he took part in sorting the material of the museum mentioned above. He was a man of social life, who had a large circle of friends including members of Hungarian Jacobite movement and freemasonry as well.
5 February 2019 (Tuesday) 5 pm: The treasures of the Jacobins and Sándor's storyOn the fourth meeting of the game based on Time courier series the players brought a few stories of some famous figures of Hungarian Jacobite movement, then they became journalists and editors. By the QR codes hidden in the library they collected a big bunch of news about Ignác Martinovics, the contraversial figure of the movement and created the cover of a tabloid full of curiosities of the age
Several writings were presented about Farkas Kempelen and his chess player machine that was a robot-like invention. The task of the players of each team was to re-create one of Farkas Kempelen's inventions.
12 March 2019 (Tuesday) 5 pm: Papagéna with roller skate and action in the canal - Dóra Gimesi dramaturg, director, author of Time courier was our guest
On the last meeting of the one-year-long game based on the first part of Time courier series we expanded our knowledge in the fields of history, art history and history of science exploring and discussing the sceneries, characters and periods that the novel contained. We did it by a searching game, using books and databases, then we checked our knowledge by a quiz of mobile phone, finally we had a crossword puzzle related to some curiosities concerning the writer Dóra Gimesi.
Last but not least, we had an exciting conversation with Dóra Gimesi who spoke about the creation of the multi-authored novel series and her work as a dramaturg.
Books were given as prizes and some special prizes for quiz winners.
Dear players, thank you for your commitment all year round!
Library of Üllői út; MESZL1191 Budapest, Üllői út 255. - Pelevár felé - Kalandozás Ruminivel 2018-2019
- Carpe diem! - Ragadd meg a naplód! 2017-2018
- T.E.S.L.A. projekt 2016-2017
- Holnapló - írd a jövőd! 2015-2016
- P. Howard and Co. Nyomozóiroda(lom) 2014-2015
- Rendhagyó múlt idő 2013-2014
- Barangolás hazai tájakon 2012-2013
- Útlevél nélkül 2011
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