The Pestszentimre Library is a branch of MESZL. With the aid of the 18th District Government, we opened in the PIK House in the heart of Pestszentimre a few years ago, giving a new home to our collection.
Our library ensures a familial atmosphere for a relaxed free time and cultured entertainment in a modern environment.
Our continuously renewed book stock is rich in best-sellers for adults, new fiction releases and periodicals. Our child readers can find a lot of new and classic children’s books around the famous ark!
The most sought for and newest reading material is put on display in the window for our little readers.
Unfortunately, our latest thematic display was left untouched by the readers getting ready for the holidays.
Unfortunately, the pandemic had a big impact on our operation, as well. Our planned programs were canceled or changed, our library is currently closed. However, our librarians await our readers with more and more new programs on our online platform for now - make sure to regularly check the MESZL Pestszentimre Library Facebook-page. Beside the website, this is the platform where you can get the latest news, programs, you can check out our reports with photos and our crafts videos. Come join us!
Aside from the online programs, we are preparing for the reopening. Our collection gained over 100 books with the scent of “newly printed books” at the end of 2020, ready to be borrowed.
At the meet of the fantasy and science shelves we put a new, comfortable armchair, where local reading can be a real relaxing experience. Our decorations attempt to create a familial atmosphere, giving a space for deep reading, study groups and friend groups.
We hope that soon we can continue our journey on our community-creating and informative programs.
Our goal is to ensure the library will stay a popular meeting spot for kids and adults alike.
We gladly welcome everyone:
Katalin Siklósi and Mária Tajti librarians
Photos: MESZL
Library of Pestszentimre
1188 Budapest, Vasút utca 48.Go to
Opening hours
Today Closed-Closed
Tomorrow: Closed-Closed
Phone number:
(1) 291-2392
Manager: Siklósi Katalin
Head Librarian
Registration for natural and legal persons:
free of charge / 12 months
Administration fee of registration reader card:
HUF 400 / 12 months
Daily card: HUF 1700 / day
Borrowing privileges in one library:
HUF 3200 / 12 months
HUF 2300 / 6 months
HUF 1700/ 3 months
Establishment of membership for using all branches simultaneously:
HUF 10000 / 12 months
HUF 7700 / 6 months