Basic service

    • ​Library use

      Basic service available with a registration card in any of the branch libraries. All library visitors have to accept and observe Terms of Use of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library.

    Local use

    • Local use of databases

      Subscribed databases can be used only by patrons with a valid library membership (with daily ticket and reader's card authorizing for borrowing) on the computers provided by the library or on own devices using WiFi.


    • Reservation

      Documents sought by the patron - and on loan or under delivery to branch libraries - may be reserved having paid the fee of notification and procedure in person in the branch libraries and on the web-based catalog of the Library after login. The reserved document is monitored by the Library until the date required by the library patron, or for two months at most. If the reserved document arrives, the patron will be notified in email or on telephone. The document is held by the Library for 8 calendar days after notification, the reservation will be nullified thereafter. The reservations will be satisfied by the Library in the sequence of requests.

      The fee of the service:
      HUF 300 / volume

      The charge of utilization of the service is contained in the list of rates and Appendix #7  of Terms of Use.

    • Home delivery service

      The Library delivers documents to be loaned to the home of users bound temporarily or permanently for home stay if necessary,  player devices are also delivered. The list of branch libraries providing the services is in here.

    • Renewal

      The term of loan – except for success books and reserved works – can be renewed twice before the due date, until the end of the term of the library membership at most in person, by telephone, in email in opening hours of the library or via the Library’s website in 24 hours (non-stop). On his/her renewal through the website the library patron gets a message on the interface and, in case he/she has given his/her email address, a feedback in email as well.

    • Loan - Slides

      For 2 weeks; maximum 6 titles (items).

    • Loan - weekly, periodical

      For two weeks; maximum 10 pieces can be borrowed.

    • Loan - book

      For 4 weeks; max. 10 titles can be borrowed with library membership card authorizing to borrow, after paying membership fee. They can be renewed twice if they are not reserved and validity of the reader's card is not due.

    • Loan - bestseller

      For 2 weeks; max. 2 titles. The loan period of bestsellers is not renewable.

    • Interlibrary loan among FSZEK branches
      Documents missing from the holdings of certain branch libraries can be transferred on loan from another branch library by the library patron for a fee. The fee of the transfer loan are contained in the list of rates (see Appendix #7). The fee of the transfer loan must be paid when the request is submitted. The document requested in transfer loan is secured for the library patron by the Library within 20 working days calculated from its accessibility in the branch library where the request was submitted as a member. The fees of reprography of documents or document parts not to be loaned and available only in copy to be sent must be reimbursed by the library patron. The due date of the documents transferred on loan may not be renewed.

      The fee of the service:
      HUF 500/volume

      The fees of copying are contained in the list of rates (see Appendix #7; Terms of Use).

    E-mail service

    • Email notification before due date

      For readers, who have given their email address for this purpose, the Library will send a reminder via email about the due date 2 weeks before the end of their memberships, and also on the last day before the due date. 

    Remote payment

    • Remote payment

      For settling various fees and debts the Library offers an opportunity for remote payment to its logged-in patrons as an amenity via its website. To utilize this service, the patron must have a bank card and an email address. In case of remote payment an automatically generated voucher is issued in Corvina integrated library system by the Library to the customer; it can be seen and printed by the reader after logging in (individually) via the main page of library website.

    • Payment by credit card
      For settling various fees and debts the Library offers an opportunity for paying with bank card (credit card) by POS terminals,  as an amenity, in the Central Library and big branches. The list of branch libraries providing the services is here.

Bosnyák Library

1145 Budapest, Bosnyák utca 1/a
Go to
Opening hours
    Today Closed-Closed
    Tomorrow: 14:00-19:00

Phone number:
(1) 383-0197
Manager: Koncsik Anikó
Head Librarian

Registration for natural and legal persons:
free of charge / 12 months
Administration fee of registration reader card:
HUF 400 / 12 months

Daily card: HUF 1650 / day

Borrowing privileges in one library:
HUF 3100 / 12 months
HUF 2100 / 6 months
HUF 1500/ 3 months

Establishment of membership for using all branches simultaneously:
HUF 10000 / 12 months
HUF 7700 / 6 months

