Ezt a cikket 2022. 06. 23 napján archiváltuk, a benne szereplő információk a megjelenés idején pontosak voltak, de mára elavultak lehetnek.

The Brazilian Ambassador’s visit in the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library

Her Excellency Susan Kleebank, the newly appointed Ambassador of Brazil to Hungary visited the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library. She was accompanied by Catarina Araujo, Head of Department of Trade and Cultural Affairs and Júlia Kiss, a staff member of the Embassy. Dr Péter Fodor, Director General of Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Librarys received the guests.

Madam Ambassador visited the Central Library, she has given special attention to the event venues such as the exhibiton spaces and the Ötpacsirta Salon which is an ideal venue for music concerts. In the Budapest Collection Brazil-related rare books and maps from the 17th century were viewed by our guests. Both parties discussed the possibilities for a future cooperation - including a variety of cultural events.

a találkozón készült fényképek
Photos of the meeting (gallery)
a találkozón készült fényképek a találkozón készült fényképek a találkozón készült fényképek

Photos: MESZL


Babits Mihály Library

1048 Budapest, Lóverseny tér 5/a.
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    Today 14:00-19:00
    Tomorrow: 10:00-14:00

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