Library areas
- Ground Floor
Information, Registration
Bestsellers and Popular Literature
Teen Corner
Children’s Library
Photos: MESZL - First Floor
Reference Library
Periodical Section
Reading Room
Internet and WIFI
Professional Literature (specialized literature)
Local History
Fiction (belles-lettres)
Poetry and Drama
Required Reading
Foreign-Language Books
Audiobook, DVD, CD
Photos: MESZL - Gallery
Exhibition Room
Common Area
Photos: MESZL
Registration for natural and legal persons:
free of charge / 12 months
Administration fee of registration reader card:
HUF 400 / 12 months
Daily card: HUF 1650 / day
Borrowing privileges in one library:
HUF 5400 / 12 months
HUF 4100 / 6 months
HUF 3000 / 3 months
Establishment of membership for using all branches simultaneously:
HUF 10000 / 12 months
HUF 7700 / 6 months