Reader's spaces

  • Circulation desk
    Turning right from the entrance, 3 workstations are available to meet reader's requirements related to the following matters:

    • Registration
    • Counter of Cashier
    • Information
    • Borrowing (checking out)
    • Return (checking in)

    Circulation desk
    Photo: MESZL

    This section is suggested mainly for adults.  The circulation desk located in the children's library is suggested specifically for children and their parents for the purpose of quicker administration.
    Our bestsellers with two-week-long period of loan can be found oppositely to the desk.
  • Space of borrowing by themes
    The free access area, divided by themes for borrowing, is the busiest part of our library. It consists of inner and outer rooms, open and shared, where the following subject groups can be found:

    Inner room: Outer room:
    • Belles-lettres (Fiction)
    • Historical novels
    • War novels
    • Biographies
    • Humorous books
    • Women's life (stories)
    • Romance (love)
    • Adventure
    • Detective stories
    • Science fiction
    • Comics
    • Scandinavian crime stories
    • Erotic
    • Family history
    • Esotericism
    • Life style
    • Hobbies
    • Home
    • Gardening
    • Self-development
    • Health
    • Dogs
    • Cats
    • Pet keeping / animal housing
    • Cookbooks

    Space for borrowing by themesSpace for borrowing by themes
      Photos: MESZL

    One catalog computer are also available for readers in this room.
  • Reading space of periodicals
    Our section moved to a bigger area in 2020. Besides journals, internet access is also available for the readers by a few computers here, on the groundfloor. 

    Reading area where periodicals are available          Reading area where periodicals are available
    Photos: MESZL

    The collection of periodicals (available in the library) covers 65 journals and magazines. You can read 60 ones here, in the reading area of periodicals; the others are for children and they are available in children's library.

    Title list in Hungarian:
    • 168 Óra
    • 5 Perc angol
    • Autó Motor
    • BBC History
    • BBC Világtörténelem
    • Best Magazin
    • Burda
    • Családi Lap
    • Csodakert
    • Diéta és Fitness
    • Élet és Irodalom
    • Élet és Tudomány
    • Ezermester 2000
    • Figyelő
    • Forbes
    • Földgömb
    • Galaktika (Fantasztikus könyvek részlegében)
    • GEO
    • Gramofon
    • Határtalan régészet
    • Hetek
    • Hócipő
    • HVG
    • Interpress Magazin
    • Jelen
    • Kiskegyed
    • Kismama
    • Kortárs
    • Könyvhét
    • Lakáskultúra
    • Látkép
    • Magyar Hang
    • Magyar Hírlap (napilap)
    • Magyar Narancs
    • Magyar Nemzet (napilap)
    • Marie Claire
    • Mindennapi Pszichológia
    • National Geographic Magyarország
    • Nemzeti Sport (napilap)
    • Népszava (napilap)
    • Nők Lapja
    • Nők Lapja Egészség
    • Nők Lapja Évszakok
    • Nők Lapja Ezotéria
    • Nők Lapja Konyha
    • Nyitott szemmel
    • Otthon
    • PC World
    • Pesti Műsor
    • Praktika
    • Praktika Horgolás 
    • Praktika Kötés 
    • Príma Konyha
    • Ridikül
    • Rubicon
    • Story
    • Szép házak
    • Természetbúvár
    • Természetgyógyász Magazin
    • Természetjáró Turista Magazin
    • Vox Mozimagazin
  • Repository of AV documents and music related books
    The Repository of AV documents and music related books can be found in the room where the reading space of periodicals can also be found. CDs, DVDs, music scores and books related to music and history of music are placed here.

    Our collection of CDs can be browsed and searched in details in a separate menu item, where you can find the CD catalogue, new documents, previous acquisitions and our playlists which you can search and listen to.

    Repository of AV documents and music related books          Repository of AV documents and music related books

    Repository of AV documents and music related books          Repository of AV documents and music related books
    Photos: MESZL
  • Children's Dragon Library
    Children’s library

    The previous children's section was reorganized and moved to a separate, more spacious room in 2020. The entrance of our library is clear (accessible), so it can be used by pram easily. The new  children’s library can be reached by turning to left of the entrance, on the groundfloor.

    It offers the wide variety of 13000 volumes of the collection of children's books to children and their parents visiting the library. Everyone, from babies to school-age children, can find readings they are interested in. Books for paging (by turning the colorful pages), picture books, story books, non-fiction works (to enlarge knowledge), novels for children and more interesting items are offered to you.
    A cosy teen's room is furnished for teenagers where they can read or learn separately from other visitors. Adventurous and romantic novels as well as works of science fiction recommended especially to teens can be found in that small room.

    Registration recorded (written) in Terms of Use of the library is the basic condition of library visit; it is free of charge for all who are under 16. Membership entitles you to borrow up to 8 books from the library.

    Programmes for children's group:
    Our library provides opportunities for school groups and kindergarten groups to take part in thematic programmes including programmes of library use.
    We ask teachers to make advance reservation on any of our contacts:, +36 1 369-4979 or personally. 
    Group registration takes place after making an appointment by kindergarten teachers and school teachers, all children get reader's card (membership card).
    Each event lasts about an hour. For the first time there is a guided tour in the library; we get acquainted with the structure and rules of the library, books of children’s library and process of circulation. Every occasion is finished by borrowing documents.
    Our objectives are to make children love reading, help them in becoming  regular readers and right socialization of the children.

  • Teens' room
    Under construction...
  • Repository of specialized literature (floor)
    The big room of the free access area with documents for borrowing is the Repository of specialized literature on the 1st floor. It is also indicated in the catalogue when the searched item (book) is available in that room. Almost all non-fiction books are placed there; they are the followings shown by library class marks:

    • 001 Science in general
    • 100 Philosophy, psychology
    • 200 Religion
    • 300 Social sciences
    • 500 Natural sciences
    • 600 Applied sciences
    • 790 Entertainment, Sports
    • 900 Geography, History

    Library visitors can read and study in a calm environment at the tables located in the room.

    Free access area for borrowing on the first floor (with stairs)          Repository of specialized literature

    Repository of specialized literature          Repository of specialized literature
    Photos: MESZL
  • Repository of arts (floor)
    One of the smaller rooms of the free access area with documents for borrowing is the Repository of arts on the 1st floor. It can be found when you turn to left after going upstairs. It is also indicated in the catalogue if the searched item (book) is available in that room.
    Pieces of drama and poetry are available in the outer part of Repository of arts; works of non-fiction literature related to arts can be found in the inner room; they are the followings shown by library class marks:
    • 700 Art history
    • 710 Spatial development, town planning, urban architecture
    • 720 Architecture
    • 730 Sculpture
    • 740 Art of drawing
    • 750 Painting
    • 760 Graphical art
    • 770 Photography

    In addition, encyclopaedias are also placed here. Internet access, catalogue and our subscribed databases are available on the computers.

    Repository of arts          Repository of arts

    Repository of arts          Repository of arts
    Photos: MESZL
  • Repository of knowledge (floor)
    One of the smaller rooms of the free access area with documents for borrowing is the Repository of knowledge on the 1st floor. It can be found when you turn to right after going upstairs. It is also indicated in the catalogue if the searched item (book) is available in that room.
    The collection of Repository of knowledge includes works of non-fiction literature related to literary science and further education:
    • Linguistics
    • Literary science
    • Hungarian literature
    • Required reading
    • Foreign language literature
    • Dictionaries
    • Language books
    • Instructional packages
    • Books preparing for final exams

    Tables placed in the room provide the chance of calm and comfortable environment for our library visitors to learn and read.

    Repository of knowledge          Repository of knowledge

    Repository of knowledge          Repository of knowledge
    Photos: MESZL

Library of Király utca

1042 Budapest, Király u. 5.
Go to
Opening hours
    Today Closed-Closed
    Tomorrow: Closed-Closed

Phone number:
(1) 369-4979
Manager: Goldoványi Zoltán
Head Librarian

Registration for natural and legal persons:
free of charge / 12 months
Administration fee of registration reader card:
HUF 400 / 12 months

Daily card: HUF 1650 / day

Borrowing privileges in one library:
HUF 5400 / 12 months
HUF 4100 / 6 months
HUF 3000 / 3 months

Establishment of membership for using all branches simultaneously:
HUF 10000 / 12 months
HUF 7700 / 6 months

