Digital documents
Many of our documents are also available in digital form, some of them remotely - via the internet - and others locally in the library, on the computers in our reading room.
You can find the following parts of our collection in digital form:
If you need a digital copy of one of our documents, and cannot find it at the contacts above, you can find more information about the ordering process under the menu item Reprographic Service.
Many of our documents are also available in digital form, some of them remotely - via the internet - and others locally in the library, on the computers in our reading room.
You can find the following parts of our collection in digital form:
- Books and journals
Directories, registers, real estate registers, telephone books (Hungaricana state-funded collections' portal):
- Címjegyzékek 1712-1868
- Címjegyzékek 1867-1942
- Helyrajzi számok, utcanevek és házszámok mutatói 1879-1924
- Budapesti telefonkönyvek 1906-1950
- Gazdasági címtárak 1842-1932
- A Budapesti Áru- és Értéktőzsde hivatalos árjegyző lapjai 1894-1913
- A Fővárosi Közmunkák Tanácsa hivatalos jelentései 1870-1944
- Budapesti hivatali útmutató 1934-1947
- A magyar testőrségek névkönyve
Urban history bibliographies (Hungaricana state-funded collections' portal):
- Budapest történetének bibliográfiája a kezdetektől 1950-ig
- Budapest története képekben 1493-1980
- A Fővárosi Nyilvános Könyvtár Budapesti Gyűjteményének bibliográfiai munkálatai
- Egyéb budapesti, történeti, helyismereti bibliográfiák
Other bibliographic publications (Hungaricana state-funded collections' portal)
Professional and literature works about Budapest (Hungaricana state-funded collections' portal)
Library and book history (Hungaricana state-funded collections' portal):
- Régi kiadványok könyvészetei
- Könyvtárunk történetével kapcsolatos irodalom
- A Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár évkönyve
School almanacs (Hungaricana state-funded collections' portal)
Volumes of the Ballagi collection (Hungarian National Digital Archive)
The digitized volumes are available directly in our catalog. - Photos, pictures, graphics
The Budapest Picture Archive gives you access to the image material of our Photographic Archive. In addition to the digitized versions of original photos, the database contains digital copies of postcards, graphics, engravings, maps, as well as selected pictorial representations (photos and reproduced graphics) from our various publications. The same imagery is also available in Hungaricana Image Gallery.
- Cemeteries of Budapest - Imre Vizler's photos about the tombs of the cemeteries in Budapest
- Tamás Bujnovszky's architectural photos
- Photos of László Sebestyén
- Digital collection of Ilka Gedő's (1921-1985) fine art work - the service is available on the computers of our reading room.
- Józsefváros (8th district) - photos, small prints and posters in Topotéka database.
- Posters
- Article Collection
- A collection of newspaper articles about Budapest, collected between 1906 and 1980 with varying intensity, mainly related to urban history (Hungarian National Digital Archive)
- Some of the excerpts are also available here: Budapest Cikk-Cakk - Newspaper articles about the capital's past
- Virtual exhibitions
- Trianon 100 - The Trianon Memorial Page of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabo Library
- Hullámfürdő záróra előtt (Wave-bath before closing time) - Guests of the Gellért Bath in the 1930s, photos by bath attendant Sándor Pusztai
- Holocaust of Books - Exhibition on the 70th anniversary of the Holocaust seeks to remind and commemorate the "purification of spiritual life", the persecution of Jewish writers and their works.
- 1956 - City between hopes and ruins - Virtual exhibition with montages and animations of contemporary photographs
- '56 - Documents of the 1956 Revolution (photographs and leaflets)
- Religiosity in Pest-Buda - Pictures from the centuries of the capital's denominations
If you need a digital copy of one of our documents, and cannot find it at the contacts above, you can find more information about the ordering process under the menu item Reprographic Service.
Registration for natural and legal persons:
free of charge / 12 months
Administration fee of registration reader card:
HUF 400 / 12 months
Daily card: HUF 1700 / day
Borrowing privileges in one library:
HUF 8100 / 12 months
HUF 5600 / 6 months
HUF 4100 / 3 months
Establishment of membership for using all branches simultaneously:
HUF 10000 / 12 months
HUF 7700 / 6 months