Bibliography of Hungarian sociological literature

The bibliography of Hungarian sociological literature opens up the material of the history of Hungarian sociology including the period of 1900-1929 and 1945-June 1948.

Cover of The bibliography of Hungarian sociological literature's book 1st

Volume 1
Periodicals 1900-1919.
(Huszadik Század, A Munka Szemléje, Szabadgondolat)

Cover of The bibliography of Hungarian sociological literature's book 2nd

Volume 2
Periodicals 1900-1919.
(Other periodicals)

Cover of The bibliography of Hungarian sociological literature's book 3rd

Volume 3
Independent publications (1900-1919)

Cover of The bibliography of Hungarian sociological literature's book 4th

Volume 4/A.
Books and periodicals (August 1919 -December 1929)

Cover of The bibliography of Hungarian sociological literature's book 5th

Volume 5
Books and periodicals 1945-June 1948


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