Ellinger Palace, 2/B Németh László street

Ellinger Palace - facade

Source: pestbuda.hu

Once upon a time, the statues of Dvořák and Mozart had decorated the facade of Ellinger Palace. Behind the crumbling plaster, however, we can find glimpses of many amazing stories. One half of the building was owned by Gusztáv Ellinger, violinist and internationally famed music master, while the other half was occupied by Ferenc Novák, architect, who was renowned for the plans of a funicular on Gellért Hill in the 1890s.

The former Ellinger Palace stands in a backstreet of Theresatown, only a few minutes walk from Kodály körönd (circus - ed.), at 2/B Németh László street. At a first glance, the facade (in need of restoration) doesn't intimate the "style wars" of the former music loving owners: Gusztáv Ellinger, violinist and music master (1810–1898), and Ferenc Novák architect (1848–1903).

Above the entrance, on each side of a first-floor window, you can see the recesses where the statues of the two composers had once resided. Above the statues, on the second floor facade had been the embossments: for Dvořák only the outline remained, while Mozart's still has the upper-half and the name.

Ellinger Palace- outside

Source: pestbuda.hu

The designer of the Palace was János Jedlicska, who also worked on 25/C Damjanich street for his own family, on 61 Nefelejcs street and the Vermes Palace in Szabadka. The palace in Theresatown was bought by Gusztáv Ellinger when he was 88 years old, on 9th April 1892. Not long after moving in, on 23rd May 1892 he sold half of the ownership to Ferenc Novák Czech architect, who made his half into his architecture firm.

Ellinger Palace - inside
Source: pestbuda.hu

The inside of Ellinger Palace, the stairs and the yard was restored to bring back the former atmosphere of the building. The hall leading to the yard has a surprise in two musical putto statues: one plays the pan flute, the other the lute. These can be found in recesses, symmetrically placed on each side of the hall.

Source: pestbuda.hu


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