How To Become a Real Hungarian: Cornerstones of Hungarian Culture

On 28 October András Török held his third lecture in his English-speaking series, entitled „How to Become a Real Hungarian – Cornerstones of a Hungarian Culture”.

How To Become a Real Hungarian: Cornerstones of Hungarian Culture

First he talked about his childhood despair, not having been born British, French or German… He was sorry not to be able to read foreign authors in the original. But about 30, hr felt just the opposite: he considered a small mother tongue a luxury.

Then he talked about the early history of Hungary, then how in the 18th century Hungary found itself on a road soon to become a German speaking country. How the language Renewal Movement prevented it from happening. Then he explained why language-related art sectors have defined Hungarian lower and middle education ever since. Then he spoke about Sándor Petőfi and János Arany, friends who had radically different careers. How their poems and life stories are still taught in schools. Then he talked about Endre Ady and the cult around him, and his adventurous private life.

How To Become a Real Hungarian: Cornerstones of Hungarian Culture

It the second part of the lecture he focused on the extended cultural spending after the Trianon Shock (to impress the West), a policy that was upkept by the Communist regime between 1949-1989, for entirely different reasons. And it is still the case.

The he mentioned a series of cultural stars, Marcell Jankovics, Ildikó Enyedi, Béla Pintér, Péter Korniss, and others. He recalled an 1995 article he published on the Budapest Zoo as – metaphor of pre-1990 cultural life. In his opinion after 2010 a parallel “zoo” was built, specifically the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

Photo: MESZL


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1066 Budapest, Teréz körút 2-4.

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