History of Theresa Town,  the Coolest District of Budapest,  Via Fortepan Photo Archive

András Török

On 15 May András Török held his second lecture in his English-speaking series, entitled „History of Theresa Townthe Coolest District of Budapest, Via Fortepan Photo Archive”.

First he talked about the early history of the neighborhood, which was given her name in 1777, then the reason why the crowded area was cut into two parts. Then he talked about the narrow, crowded and formerly smelly Király utca, the traditional main street, then he outlined how the major new, planned streets of the district were built, first Andrássy út, then Grand Boulevard. Both copied from Paris and Vienna.

Terézváros címere

He also talked about the story of the first underground railway of the Continent (built under Andrássy út, in an incredible 20 months). All these stories were illustrated with old and new photos. He also talked about the secrets of the „Tunnel”, (that runs under the railway tracks, in the line of Bajza utca), then about the three statues of Franz Liszt, the composer, and his deficient command of Hungarian. He also showed some naff things in the district, for instance the Millennium Fountain in Hajós utca, and he leaked the reason why two letters from the name of Singer Adolf (a bookbinder) disappeared from the facade of his home/workshop.

András Török
In the second part of the lecture Török talked about Fortepan, the community-based, free, online photo archive, based on volunteer work and crowdsourcing, presently offering over 193 thousand photos, among them 4235 images showing Theresa Town. (András is the volunteer manager, fundraiser and promoter of the project.)

The lecture was well attended, so the series will continue in the autumn.

Photo: MESZL


Körúti Könyvtár

1066 Budapest, Teréz körút 2-4.

E-mail: fszek0601@fszek.hu
(1) 322-6656
Vezető: Kuczkó Andrea
Regisztráció természetes és jogi személyeknek:
ingyenes / 12 hónap
Regisztrációs olvasójegy adminisztrációs díja:
400 Ft / 12 hónap

Napijegy: 1.700 Ft / nap

Adott könyvtár használatára jogosító olvasójegy:
12 hónapra: 5.600 Ft
6 hónapra: 4.300 Ft
3 hónapra: 3.100 Ft

Minden tagkönyvtár egyidejű használatára jogosító olvasójegy:
12 hónapra: 10.000 Ft
6 hónapra: 7.700 Ft
