Ezt a cikket 2022. 08. 22 napján archiváltuk, a benne szereplő információk a megjelenés idején pontosak voltak, de mára elavultak lehetnek.

Library in the Palace

Pictures about the Palace

The main building of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library is the one-time Wenckheim Palace, which was built by Count Frigyes Wenckheim a well-known Hungarian aristocrat of the late 19th century. On our guided tour the visitors can hear the stories of the family and the building, a masterpiece of the Hungarian Neo-Baroque palace architecture and visit some of the places that are usually closed to the public.

Date: 22nd August (Monday), 10.30am-12pm
Participation fee:
2000 HUF/person

Pre-registration is required via e-mail: touristinfo@fszek.hu, phone: +36 1 411 5054 or in person during the library's opening hours: M, Tue, W, F 10am-6pm, Thu: 10am-8pm, Sat, Sun: closed

Library of Üllői út

1191 Budapest, Üllői út 255.
Go to
Opening hours
    Today 13:00-19:00
    Tomorrow: 9:00-13:00

E-mail: fszek1901@fszek.hu​
Phone number:
(1) 281-1163 vagy (1) 666-1048/1901
Manager: Popovics Beatrix
Head Librarian

Registration for natural and legal persons:
free of charge / 12 months
Administration fee of registration reader card:
HUF 400 / 12 months

Daily card: HUF 1650 / day

Borrowing privileges in one library:
HUF 5400 / 12 months
HUF 4100 / 6 months
HUF 3000 / 3 months

Establishment of membership for using all branches simultaneously:
HUF 10000 / 12 months
HUF 7700 / 6 months

