This article was archived on 2022. 01. 24 the pieces of information were correct when the article was published, but now they may be outdated.

Library of Szűcs István utca is closed temporarily

a könyvtár épületeDear Readers!

The Community Centre of Pestújhely (Pestújhelyi Művelődési Ház) is closed from 1 December 2021 to 23 January 2022; that is why the branch library of MESZL (Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library) located and operating here (1158 Budapest Szűcs István utca 45.) is closed temporarily in this period.

The following branch libraries of MESZL can be visited (and used) with  reader's cards valid in Library of Szűcs István utca when it is closed:

Kassák Könyvtár (Kassák Library), XIV. Uzsoki u. 57.
Bosnyák Könyvtár (Bosnyák Library), XIV. Bosnyák u. 1/a
Füredi Könyvtár (Library of Füred), XIV. Csertő Park 10.
Eötvös utcai Könyvtár (Library of Eötvös utca), XV. Eötvös u. 8.
Zsókavár utcai Könyvtár (Library of Zsókavár utca), XV. Zsókavár u. 28.
Rákosi Könyvtár (Rákosi Library), XVI. Rákosi u. 119.
Sashalmi Könyvtár (Library of Sashalom), XVI. Veres Péter u. 53.

The due dates of documents borrowed before 30 November are renewed by MESZL for the period when the library is closed if the documents are not due. Please take those documents back to Library of Szűcs István utca from 24 January 2022.  You can check due dates of borrowed documents with your reader's card online by visiting our website.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library